/ languages / python.html

Table of content




Python comment
  1. content
    Comment content
  2. inline
    Indicates if the comment should be displayed on one line
    Default value: false()

Python code block
  1. content
    Block content
  2. addInitialEndl
    Add a linebreak before the block
    Default value: true()
  3. addFinalEndl
    Add a linebreak after the block
    Default value: false()

Declare a Python method
  1. name
    Class name
  2. args
    Method args (without the first 'self' argueent)
  3. classMethod
    Default value: false()
  4. content
    Class statements

Declare a Python class
  1. name
    Class name
  2. parents
    Class parent(s)
    Default value: 'object'
  3. content
    Class statements