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  • prg.php.base.code="// Basic objects /** * An option name */ class OptionName { const SHORT = 1; const LONG = 2; const ANY = 3; /** * * @param string $name * Option name */ public function __construct($name) { $this->m_name = $name; } public function __toString() { return $this->m_name; } /** * * @return boolean true if the option name is a short name (single character) */ public function isShort() { return (strlen($this->m_name) == 1); } /** * * @return string Option name (without leading dash(es)) */ public function name() { return $this->m_name; } /** * * @return string Option name as it appears on the command line */ public function cliName() { if ($this->isShort()) { return '-' . $this->m_name; } return '--' . $this->m_name; } /** * * @var string */ private $m_name; } /** * Array of OptionName */ class OptionNameList extends \ArrayObject { public function __construct($options = array()) { parent::__construct(); $optionArray = array(); foreach ($options as $k => $v) { if (is_object($v) && $v instanceof OptionName) { parent::offsetSet($v->name(), $v); } elseif (is_integer($k) && is_string($v)) { parent::offsetSet($v, new OptionName($v)); } else { // throw } } $this->uksort(array( get_class($this), 'keySort' )); } /** * * @param string $k * @param string $v */ public function offsetSet($k, $v) { parent::offsetSet($k, $v); $this->uksort(array( get_class($this), 'keySort' )); } /** * * @param function $func * @param array $argv * @throws BadMethodCallException */ public function __call($func, $argv) { if (!is_callable($func) || substr($func, 0, 6) !== 'array_') { throw new BadMethodCallException(__CLASS__ . '->' . $func); } return call_user_func_array($func, array_merge(array( $this->getArrayCopy() ), $argv)); } /** * * @return array Subset of names which only contains single-letter option names */ public function getShortOptionNames() { return array_filter($this->getArrayCopy(), array( get_class($this), 'filterShort' )); } /** * * @return array */ public function getLongOptionNames() { return array_filter($this->getArrayCopy(), array( get_class($this), 'filterLong' )); } /** * Get the first available option name * * @param integer $type * Option name type * @param bool $strict * Force option name to match the desired type * @return OptionName if available. Otherwise null */ public function getFirstOptionName($type = OptionName::ANY, $strict = false) { if ($type == OptionName::ANY) { $a = $this->getArrayCopy(); list ($k, $v) = each($a); return $v; } $other = null; foreach ($this as $k => $v) { if (($type == OptionName::SHORT) && $v->isShort()) { return $v; } elseif (($type == OptionName::LONG) && !$v->isShort()) { return $v; } if (!$other) { $other = $v; } } return ($strict) ? null : $v; } /** * Sort short option first, then use strcmp * * @param string $a * @param string $b */ public static function keySort($a, $b) { $la = strlen($a); $lb = strlen($b); if (($la < $lb) && ($la == 1)) { return -1; } elseif (($lb < $la) && ($lb == 1)) { return 1; } return strcmp($a, $b); } public static function filterShort($option) { return $option->isShort(); } public static function filterLong($option) { return !($option->isShort()); } } /** * Text utility */ class Text { /** * Extended version of the PHP built-in <code>implode</code> function * * @param array $list * Array to implode * @param string $separator * Value separator * @param string $lastSeparator * Separator between the penultimate and last values */ public static function implode($list, $separator = ', ', $lastSeparator = ' or ') { $c = count($list); if ($c <= 1) { return implode($separator, $list); } $last = array_pop($list); return implode($separator, $list) . $lastSeparator . $last; } } /** * Text wrapping function */ class TextWrap { const OFFSET_NONE = 0x0; const OFFSET_FIRST = 0x1; const OFFSET_OTHER = 0x2; /** * Maximum number of character per line */ public $lineLength; /** * End of line string delimiter */ public $endOfLineString; /** * Indentation character(s). * Should be \t or a series of ' ' (space) */ public $indentString; public function __construct($length = 80, $indent = ' ', $eolString = PHP_EOL) { $this->lineLength = $length; $this->endOfLineString = $eolString; $this->indentString = $indent; } /** * Wrap text * * @param string $text * Text to wrap * @param integer $mode * Offset mode (flags) * @param integer $level * Indentation level */ public function wrap($text, $mode = self::OFFSET_NONE, $level = 0) { $indentation = str_repeat($this->indentString, $level); $firstIndent = $indentation . (($mode & self::OFFSET_FIRST) ? $this->indentString : ''); $otherIndent = $indentation . (($mode & self::OFFSET_OTHER) ? $this->indentString : ''); $text = $firstIndent . $text; $len = ($this->lineLength - strlen($otherIndent)); $result = wordwrap($text, (($len > 0) ? $len : 1), $this->endOfLineString); if (($mode & self::OFFSET_OTHER) || strlen($indentation)) { $result = implode($this->endOfLineString . $otherIndent, explode($this->endOfLineString, $result)); } return $result; } } /** * Program usage display settings */ class UsageFormat { const SHORT_TEXT = 0x1; const ABSTRACT_TEXT = 0x2; const DETAILED_TEXT = 0x7; public $textWrap; public $format; public function __construct() { $this->textWrap = new TextWrap(); $this->format = self::DETAILED_TEXT; } } abstract class ValueValidator { /** * * @param ParserState $state * Parser state * @param ProgramResult $result * Program result instance * @param mixed $element * Option properties or positional argument index * @param mixed $value * Value to validate */ abstract function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value); /** * Additional usage information * * @return string */ abstract function usage(UsageFormat $usage); /** * Add 'Invalid argument' error message * * @param ParserState $state * @param ProgramResult $result * @param unknown_type $element * @param UsageFormat $usage */ protected function appendDefaultError(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, UsageFormat $usage) { if (is_object($element) && ($element instanceof OptionNameBinding)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 1, Message::ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, $element->name->cliName(), $this->usage($usage)); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 2, Message::ERROR_INVALID_POSARG_VALUE, $element, $this->usage($usage)); } } } /** * Validate path-type values */ class PathValueValidator extends ValueValidator { const EXISTS = 0x01; const ACCESS_READ = 0x02; const ACCESS_WRITE = 0x04; const ACCESS_EXECUTE = 0x08; const TYPE_FILE = 0x10; const TYPE_FOLDER = 0x20; const TYPE_SYMLINK = 0x40; const TYPE_ALL = 0x70; public function __construct($flags) { $this->flags = $flags; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { $passed = true; if ($this->flags & self::EXISTS) { if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_READ) && !is_readable($value)) { $passed = false; } if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_WRITE) && !is_writable($value)) { $passed = false; } if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_EXECUTE) && !is_executable($value)) { $passsed = false; } } if (file_exists($value)) { $types = ($this->flags & self::TYPE_ALL); if (!(($types == 0) || ($types == self::TYPE_ALL))) { $typeFound = false; if (($types & self::TYPE_FILE) && is_file($value)) { $typeFound = true; } elseif (($types & self::TYPE_FOLDER) && is_dir($value)) { $typeFound = true; } elseif (($types & self::TYPE_FOLDER) && is_link($value)) { $typeFound = true; } if (!$typeFound) { $passed = False; } } } /** * * @todo a more customized error message ? */ if (!$passed) { $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); } return $passed; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { $text = ''; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $types = ($this->flags & self::TYPE_ALL); if (!(($types == 0) || ($types == self::TYPE_ALL))) { $types = array( self::TYPE_FILE => 'file', self::TYPE_FOLDER => 'folder', self::TYPE_SYMLINK => 'symbolic link' ); $names = array(); foreach ($types as $t => $name) { if (($t & $this->flags) == $t) { $names[] = $name; } } $text .= 'Expected file type' . ((count($names) > 1) ? 's' : '') . ': '; $text .= Text::implode($names, ', ', ' or '); } $access = ($this->flags & (self::ACCESS_READ | self::ACCESS_WRITE | self::ACCESS_EXECUTE)); if ($access) { $access = array( self::ACCESS_READ => 'readable', self::ACCESS_WRITE => 'writable', self::ACCESS_EXECUTE => 'executable' ); $names = array(); foreach ($access as $a => $name) { if (($a & $this->flags) == $a) { $names[] = $name; } } $text .= (strlen($text) ? $eol : '') . 'Path argument must be ' . Text::implode($names, ', ', ' and '); } return $text; } private $flags; } /** * Number value validator */ class NumberValueValidator extends ValueValidator { public function __construct($minValue = null, $maxValue = null) { $this->minValue = $minValue; $this->maxValue = $maxValue; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { $passed = true; if (!is_numeric($value)) { $passed = false; } if ($passed && ($this->minValue !== null) && ($value < $this->minValue)) { $passed = false; } if ($passed && ($this->maxValue !== null) && ($value > $this->maxValue)) { $passed = false; } /** * * @todo a more customized error message ? */ if (!$passed) { $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); } return $passed; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { $text = 'Argument value must be a number'; if ($this->minValue !== null) { if ($this->maxValue !== null) { $text .= ' between ' . $this->minValue . ' and ' . $this->maxValue; } else { $text .= ' greater or equal than ' . $this->minValue; } } else { $text .= ' lesser or equal than ' . $this->maxValue; } return $text; } private $minValue; private $maxValue; } /** */ class EnumerationValueValidator extends ValueValidator { const RESTRICT = 0x1; public function __construct($values, $flags = self::RESTRICT) { $this->values = $values; $this->flags = $flags; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { if (!($this->flags & self::RESTRICT)) { return true; } foreach ($this->values as $v) { if ($v == $value) { return true; } } $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); return false; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { return 'Argument value ' . (($this->flags & self::RESTRICT) ? 'must' : 'can') . ' be ' . Text::implode($this->values, ', ', ' or '); } private $values; private $flags; } /** * Base class for all command line elements description */ class ItemInfo { /** * The element must appear on the command line * * @var flag */ const REQUIRED = 1; /** * * @var string */ public $abstract; /** * * @var string */ public $details; /** * * @param string $abstract * Short description * @param string $details * Detailed description */ public function __construct($abstract = null, $details = null) { $this->abstract = $abstract; $this->details = $details; } } // Option infos /** * Describe a program option */ class OptionInfo extends ItemInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $optionFlags; /** * * @var string */ public $variableName; /** * * @var ItemInfo null if the option is a top-level option */ public $parent; public $validators; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct(); $this->optionFlags = $flags; $this->variableName = $variableName; $this->optionNames = new OptionNameList(); if ($names) { $this->setOptionNames($names); } $this->parent = null; $this->validators = array(); } /** * * @return OptionMameList */ public function getOptionNames() { return $this->optionNames; } /** * * @param mixed $nameListOrArray */ public function setOptionNames($nameListOrArray) { if (is_array($nameListOrArray)) { $this->optionNames = new OptionNameList($nameListOrArray); } elseif ($nameListOrArray instanceof OptionNameList) { $this->optionNames = $nameListOrArray; } } public function getKey() { $key = get_class($this); if ($this->parent) { $index = 0; foreach ($this->parent->getOptions() as $o) { if ($o == $this) { $key .= $index; break; } $index++; } $key = $this->parent->getKey() . $key; } return $key; } /** * * @var OptionNameList */ private $optionNames; } /** * Switch option description */ class SwitchOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); } } /** * Type of value for given to (multi-)argument options * and positional arguments */ class ArgumentType { const STRING = 1; const MIXED = 1; // Alias of string const EXISTINGCOMMAND = 2; const HOSTNAME = 3; const PATH = 4; const NUMBER = 5; public static function usageName($type) { switch ($type) { case self::EXISTINGCOMMAND: return 'cmd'; case self::HOSTNAME: return 'host'; case self::PATH: return 'path'; case self::NUMBER: return 'number'; } return '?'; } } /** * Option which require a single argument */ class ArgumentOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentType; /** * * @var mixed */ public $defaultValue; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); $this->argumentType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->defaultValue = null; } } /** * Option which require at least one argument */ class MultiArgumentOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentsType; /** * * @var integer */ public $minArgumentCount; /** * * @var integer */ public $maxArgumentCount; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); $this->argumentsType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->minArgumentCount = 1; $this->maxArgumentCount = 0; } } /** * Base class for GroupOptionInfo, SubcommandInfo and ProgramInfo */ class OptionContainerOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var OptionInfo Option to select if none was set */ public $defaultOption; /** * * @param unknown $variableName * @param number $flags * @param OptionInfo $dflt */ public function __construct($variableName = null, $flags = 0, OptionInfo $dflt = null) { parent::__construct($variableName, null, $flags); $this->options = array(); $this->defaultOption = $dflt; } /** * * @return array OptionInfo array */ function getOptions() { return $this->options; } /** * * @param OptionInfo $option */ public function appendOption(OptionInfo $option) { $this->options[] = $option; $option->parent = $this; } public function getOptionNameListString() { $names = array(); foreach ($this->options as $option) { if ($option instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $names[] = '(' . $option->getOptionNameListString() . ')'; } else { $names[] = $option->getOptionNames() ->getFirstOptionName(OptionName::LONG, false) ->cliName(); } } return Text::implode($names, ', ', ' or '); } public static function sortSwitchFirst($a, $b) { if ($a instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { if ($b instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { return self::sortRequiredOptionFirst($a, $b); } return -1; } return 1; } public static function sortRequiredOptionFirst($a, $b) { if ($a->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { if ($b->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { return 0; } return -1; } return 1; } protected function optionShortUsage($usage) { $text = ''; // switch with short names, then others $list = $this->flattenOptionTree(); usort($list, array( get_class(), 'sortRequiredOptionFirst' )); $groups = array( array(), array() ); foreach ($list as $k => $option) { $firtShort = $option->getOptionNames()->getFirstOptionName(OptionName::SHORT, true); if ($firtShort && ($option instanceof SwitchOptionInfo)) { $groups[0][] = $firtShort->name(); } else { $first = $option->getOptionNames()->getFirstOptionName(); if ($first) { $groups[1][] = array( 'option' => $option, 'name' => $first ); } } } if (count($groups[0])) { natsort($groups[0]); $text .= '-' . implode('', $groups[0]); } foreach ($groups[1] as $other) { $option = $other['option']; $name = $other['name']; $required = ($option->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED); $optionText = $name->cliName(); if ($option instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { $optionText .= '=<' . ArgumentType::usageName($option->argumentType) . '>'; } elseif ($option instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { $optionText .= '=<' . ArgumentType::usageName($option->argumentsType) . ' ...>'; } if (!$required && strlen($optionText)) { $optionText = '[' . $optionText . ']'; } $text .= ((strlen($text) && strlen($optionText)) ? ' ' : '') . $optionText; } return $text; } protected function optionUsage($usage, $level = 0) { $text = ''; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; foreach ($this->options as $o) { $optionTaxt = ''; $subOptionsText = ''; if (!($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo)) { $names = array(); foreach ($o->getOptionNames() as $k => $name) { $names[] = $name->cliName(); } $optionTaxt = implode(', ', $names); } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) && strlen($o->abstract)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? ': ' : '') . $o->abstract; } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) && strlen($o->details)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? $eol : '') . $o->details; } if (!($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo)) { foreach ($o->validators as $v) { $vtext = $v->usage($usage); if (strlen($vtext)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? $eol : '') . $vtext; } } } if (strlen($optionTaxt)) { $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($optionTaxt, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $level) . $eol; } if ($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $subOptionsText = $o->optionUsage($usage, $level + 1); if (strlen($subOptionsText)) { $text .= $subOptionsText; } } } return $text; } protected function flattenOptionTree() { $list = array(); foreach ($this->options as $o) { if ($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $list = array_merge($list, $o->flattenOptionTree()); } else { $list[] = $o; } } return $list; } protected $options; } /** * Option group */ class GroupOptionInfo extends OptionContainerOptionInfo { /** * Regular group type * * @var integer */ const TYPE_NORMAL = 0; /** * Mutually exclusive option group * * @var integer */ const TYPE_EXCLUSIVE = 1; /** * * @var integer */ public $groupType; public function __construct($variableName = null, $groupType = self::TYPE_NORMAL, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $flags); $this->options = array(); $this->groupType = $groupType; } } /** * Non option argument value */ class PositionalArgumentInfo extends ItemInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $positionalArgumentFlags; /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentType; /** * * @var integer */ public $maxArgumentCount; /** * * @var array of validators */ public $validators; public function __construct($max = 1, $type = ArgumentType::STRING, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct(); $this->positionalArgumentFlags = $flags; $this->argumentType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->maxArgumentCount = $max; $this->validators = array(); } } /** * Base class for SubcommandInfo and ProgramInfo * * Contains options and positional argument definitions */ class RootItemInfo extends OptionContainerOptionInfo { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->positionalArguments = array(); } public function getPositionalArgument($index) { return $this->positionalArguments[$index]; } public function getPositionalArguments() { return $this->positionalArguments; } public function &appendPositionalArgument(PositionalArgumentInfo $paInfo) { $this->positionalArguments[] = $paInfo; return $paInfo; } public function positionalArgumentsUsage($usage, $level = 0) { $number = 1; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $text = ''; foreach ($this->positionalArguments as $pa) { $s = '#' . $number . '.'; if ($pa->abstract) { $s .= ' ' . $pa->abstract; } foreach ($pa->validators as $v) { $vtext = $v->usage($usage); if (strlen($vtext)) { $s .= $eol . $vtext . $eol; } } $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($s, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $level) . $eol; $number++; } return $text; } /** * * @var array of PositionalArgumentInfo */ protected $positionalArguments; } /** * Subcommand definition */ class SubcommandInfo extends RootItemInfo { /** * * @var string */ public $name; /** * * @var array of string */ public $aliases; public function __construct($name, $aliases = array()) { parent::__construct(); $this->name = $name; $this->aliases = $aliases; } /** * * @return array of names (name + aliases) */ public function getNames() { $n = array( $this->name ); return array_merge($n, $this->aliases); } } /** * Program definition */ class ProgramInfo extends RootItemInfo { /** * * @var string Program name */ public $name; /** * * @var array of SubcommandInfo */ public $subcommands; public function __construct($name, $subcommands = array()) { parent::__construct(); $this->name = $name; $this->subcommands = $subcommands; } public function usage($usage = null, $subcommandName = null) { $text = 'Usage: ' . $this->name; $usage = ($usage) ? $usage : new UsageFormat(); $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $subcommand = (is_string($subcommandName) ? $this->findSubcommand($subcommandName) : null); $root = ($subcommand) ? $subcommand : $this; if ($subcommand) { $text .= ' ' . $subcommand->name; } elseif (count($this->subcommands)) { $text .= ' [subcommand]'; } $text .= ' ' . $root->optionShortUsage($usage); foreach ($root->getPositionalArguments() as $pa) { $abstract = $pa->abstract ? $pa->abstract : ''; $e = explode(PHP_EOL, $abstract); $abstract = $e[0]; if ($pa->maxArgumentCount > 1) { $abstract .= ' ...'; } $text .= ' [' . $abstract . ']'; } $text = $usage->textWrap->wrap($text, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, 0) . $eol; if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) == UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) { if ($root->abstract) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap($root->abstract, 1) . $eol; } $optionsLevel = 1; $programOptionCount = count($this->options); $subcommandOptionCount = 0; if ($subcommand) { $subcommandOptionCount = count($subcommand->options); } if ($subcommand) { if ($subcommandOptionCount) { $optionsLevel = 2; $text .= $eol . $subcommand->optionUsage($usage, $optionsLevel) . $eol; if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Program options', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol; } } } elseif (count($this->subcommands)) { $optionsLevel = 2; $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Subcommands', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol . $eol; foreach ($this->subcommands as $subcommand) { $subcommandText = $subcommand->name; foreach ($subcommand->aliases as $alias) { $subcommandText .= ', ' . $alias; } if ($subcommand->abstract) { $subcommandText .= ': ' . $subcommand->abstract; } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) == UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) { if ($subcommand->details) { $subcommandText .= $eol . $subcommand->details; } } $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($subcommandText, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $optionsLevel) . $eol; } if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Program options', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol; } } if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $this->optionUsage($usage, $optionsLevel); } if (count($root->getPositionalArguments())) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Positional arguments', 0, 1) . $eol . $eol; $text .= $root->positionalArgumentsUsage($usage, 2); } } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) == UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) { if ($root->details) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap($root->details, 0, 1) . $eol; } } return $text . $eol; } public function &appendSubcommand(SubcommandInfo $sc) { $this->subcommands[] = $sc; return $sc; } public function findSubcommand($name) { foreach ($this->subcommands as $s) { if ($s->name == $name) { return $s; } foreach ($s->aliases as $a) { if ($a == $name) { return $s; } } } return null; } /** * * @param string $xmlProgramDefinition * @return boolean */ public function loadXmlDefinition($xmlProgramDefinition) { /** * * @todo * * * * * */ return true; } } /** * Base class for all *Result classes */ interface ItemResult { } /** * Option result */ abstract class OptionResult implements itemResult { /** * Indicates if the option is present on the command line. * The type of isSet member is * - integer for GroupOptionResult * - boolean for all others * * @var mixed */ public $isSet; public function __construct() { $this->isSet = false; } /** * Return the value of the option */ public function __invoke() { if (func_num_args() > 0) return call_user_func_array(array( $this, 'value' ), func_get_args()); return $this->value(); } // / Option-dependant result /** * * @return mixed */ abstract public function value(); } /** * Switch option result */ class SwitchOptionResult extends OptionResult { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Indicates if the option was set * * @return boolean */ public function value() { return $this->isSet; } } /** * Single argument option result */ class ArgumentOptionResult extends OptionResult { /** * * @var mixed Option argument value */ public $argument; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->argument = null; } /** * Return argument value * * @return string Argument vaiue if option is set. Otherwise, an empty string * @note __toString() is not equivalent to value() which will return null if the option is not set. */ public function __toString() { return $this->isSet ? $this->argument : ''; } /** * * @return mixed Option argument if set, otherwise null */ public function value() { return $this->isSet ? $this->argument : null; } } /** * Multi argument option result */ class MultiArgumentOptionResult extends OptionResult implements \Countable { /** * * @var array Option arguments */ public $arguments; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->arguments = array(); } public function count() { return $this->isSet ? count($this->arguments) : 0; } /** * * @para integer|array|null * @return mixed A single argument or array of arguments */ public function value() { $c = func_num_args(); if ($c == 1) { $a = func_get_arg(0); if (\is_array($a)) { return $this->multiArgumentValue($a); } } elseif ($c > 1) { return $this->multiArgumentValue(func_get_args()); } return $this->multiArgumentValue(null); } /** * * @param integer|array $subset * Argument index or array of argument indexes * @throws \BadMethodCallException * @return array|array|NULL|NULL[] */ private function multiArgumentValue($subset) { if (!$this->isSet) { return array(); } if (\is_null($subset)) { return $this->arguments; } elseif (is_integer($subset)) { if (\array_key_exists($subset, $this->arguments)) { return $this->arguments[$subset]; } return null; } elseif (\is_array($subset)) { $partial = array(); foreach ($subset as $k) { if (!\is_integer($k)) continue; $partial[$k] = array_key_exists($k, $this->arguments) ? $this->arguments[$k] : null; } return $partial; } else { $t = (is_object($subset) ? get_class($subset) : gettype($subset)); throw new \BadMethodCallException( __METHOD__ . ': Invalid argument type ' . $t . ', null, integer or array expected'); } } } /** * isSet represents the number of sub options represented on * the command line */ class GroupOptionResult extends OptionResult { /** * Reference to the OptionResult of the selectedOption * * @note For exclusive group option only * @var OptionResult */ public $selectedOption; /** * Variable name of the selected option * * @note For exclusive group option only * @var string */ public $selectedOptionName; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->selectedOption = null; $this->selectedOptionName = null; } /** * * @return string variable name of the selected option if set, otherwise an empty string. * If the option is not an exclusive option group, this value has no meaning * @note __toString() is not equivalent to value() which will return null if the option is not set. */ public function __toString() { return ($this->isSet) ? $this->selectedOptionName : ''; } /** * * @return string variable name of the selected option if set, otherwise null. * If the option is not an exclusive option group, this value has no meaning */ public function value() { return ($this->isSet) ? $this->selectedOptionName : null; } } /** * Parser message */ class Message { /** * Debug message */ const DEBUG = 0; /** * A warning is raised when something is ambiguous or ignored * by the parser */ const WARNING = 1; /** * An error is raised when a command line argument does not validate the program * interface definition rules. */ const ERROR = 2; /** * A fatal error is raised when a command line argument error leads to an unresumable * state. * Parsing stops immediately after a fatal error */ const FATALERROR = 3; /** * Message type */ public $type; /** * Message code * * @var integer */ public $code; /** * Message string */ public $message; public function __construct($type, $code, $message) { $this->type = $type; $this->code = $code; $this->message = $message; } public function __toString() { return $this->message; } const FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION = 'Unknown option %s'; /* 1 */ const ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE = 'Invalid value for option %s. %s'; /* 2 */ const ERROR_INVALID_POSARG_VALUE = 'Invalid value for positional argument %d. %s'; /* 3 */ const ERROR_MISSING_ARG = 'Missing argument for option %s'; /* 4 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_OPTION = 'Missing required option %s'; /* 5 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_GROUP = 'At least one of the following options have to be set: %s'; /* 6 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_XGROUP = 'One of the following options have to be set: %s'; /* 7 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_POSARG = 'Required positional argument %d is missing'; /* 8 */ const ERROR_PROGRAM_POSARG = 'Program does not accept positional arguments'; /* 9 */ const ERROR_SUBCMD_POSARG = 'Subcommand %s does not accept positional arguments'; /* 10 */ const ERROR_TOOMANY_POSARG = 'Too many positional arguments'; /* 11 */ const ERROR_MISSING_MARG = 'At least %d argument(s) required for %s option, got %d'; /* 12 */ const ERROR_UNEXPECTED_OPTION = 'Unexpected option %s'; /* 13 */ const ERROR_SWITCH_ARG = 'Option %s does not allow an argument'; const WARNING_IGNORE_EOA = 'Ignore end-of-argument marker'; } /** * Base class for SubcommandResult and ProgramResult */ class RootItemResult implements ItemResult, \ArrayAccess { public function __construct() { $this->options = array(); } /** * * @param key $variableName * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return OptionResult if found */ public function __get($variableName) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return $this->options[$variableName]; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid option key \'' . $variableName . '\''); } /** * * @param string $variableName * @param OptionResult $result * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function __set($variableName, $result) { if ($this->offsetExists($variableName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } if (!(is_object($result) && ($result instanceof OptionResult))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } $this->options[$variableName] = $result; } /** * If an option bound variable name corresponding * to @param variableName, the value of the option is returned * * @param string $variableName * @param array $args */ public function __call($variableName, $args = array()) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return call_user_func_array(array( $this->options[$variableName], 'value' ), $args); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid option key \'' . $variableName . '\''); } /** * * @param string $variableName * @param OptionResult $result * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function offsetSet($variableName, $result) { if ($this->offsetExists($variableName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName . ' already exists'); } if (!(is_object($result) && ($result instanceof OptionResult))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } $this->options[$variableName] = $result; } /** * N/A */ public function offsetUnset($variableName) {} /** * Indicate if an option exists with the given bound variable name * * @param string $variableName */ public function offsetExists($variableName) { return array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options); } /** * * @param key $variableName * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return OptionResult if found */ public function offsetGet($variableName) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return $this->options[$variableName]; } return null; } /** * * @return \ArrayIterator */ public function getOptionIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->options); } /** * * @var array of OptionResult */ private $options; } class SubcommandResult extends RootItemResult { } /** * Command line parsing program result * * \Iterator interface allow use of foreach * to retrieve positional arguments */ class ProgramResult extends RootItemResult implements \Iterator { /** * * @var string Selected sub command name */ public $subcommandName; /** * * @var SubcommandResult Selected sub command result */ public $subcommand; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->messages = array(); $this->subcommandName = null; $this->subcommands = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->valueIterator = 0; } /** * Indicates if the command line argument parsing completes successfully (without any errors) * * @return boolean * @return boolean */ public function __invoke() { return self::success($this); } /** * Indicates if the command line argument parsing completes successfully (without any errors) * * @param ProgramResult $result * @return boolean */ public static function success(ProgramResult $result) { $errors = $result->getMessages(Message::ERROR, Message::FATALERROR); return (count($errors) == 0); } /** * * @return integer Number of positional argument set */ public function valueCount() { return count($this->values); } /** * Get parser result messages * * @param integer $minLevel * @param integer $maxLevel */ public function getMessages($minLevel = Message::WARNING, $maxLevel = Message::FATALERROR) { $messages = array(); foreach ($this->messages as $k => $m) { if ($m->type < $minLevel) { continue; } if ($m->type > $maxLevel) { continue; } $messages[] = $m; } return $messages; } /** * * @param integer $item * Positional argument index * @param mixed $result * Positional argument value */ public function offsetSet($item, $result) { if (is_integer($item)) { if (($item >= 0) && !array_key_exists($item, $this->values)) { $this->values[$item] = $result; } return; } return parent::offsetSet($item, $result); } /** * Search positional argument at @param $item index or * OptionResult with @param $item as bound variable name * * @param mixed $item * @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($item) { if (is_integer($item)) { return (($item >= 0) && array_key_exists($item, $this->values)); } return parent::offsetExists($item); } /** * Search positional argument at @param $item index or * OptionResult with @param $item as bound variable name * * @param mixed $item * @return ItemResult */ public function offsetGet($item) { if (is_integer($item)) { if (($item >= 0) && array_key_exists($item, $this->values)) { return $this->values[$item]; } return null; } return parent::offsetGet($item); } /** * Current positional argument index */ public function key() { return $this->valueIterator; } /** * Current positional argument value */ public function current() { return $this->valid() ? $this->values[$this->valueIterator] : null; } /** * Move to next positional argument */ public function next() { $this->valueIterator++; } /** * true if a positional argument is set at the given index */ public function valid() { return array_key_exists($this->valueIterator, $this->values); } /** * Rewind positional argument iterator */ public function rewind() { return $this->valueIterator = 0; } /** * Internal use */ public function setActiveSubcommand($name) { $this->subcommandName = $name; $this->subcommand = $this->subcommands[$name]; } /** * Internal use */ public function addSubcommandResult($name, SubcommandResult $result) { $this->subcommands[$name] = $result; return $result; } /** * Add a parser pessage. * * @note This method should anly be called by the Parser */ public function appendMessage() /** * $type, $code, $format , . * * * * .. */ { $args = func_get_args(); $type = array_shift($args); $code = intval(array_shift($args)); $this->messages[] = new Message($type, $code, call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args)); } /** * Add a positinal argument value * * @note This method should anly be called by the Parser */ public function appendValue($value) { $this->values[] = $value; } /** * * @var array of values */ private $values; /** * * @var array */ private $messages; /** * * @var integer */ private $valueIterator; /** * * @var array Program SubcommandResults */ private $subcommands; } /** * Internal ParserState structure. * * Bind an option name with the OptionInfo and OptionResult */ class OptionNameBinding { /** * * @var OptionName */ public $name; /** * * @var OptionInfo */ public $info; /** * * @var OptionResult */ public $result; /** * Array of the ancestors results from parent to first group * * @var array */ public $parentResults; public function __construct(OptionName $n, OptionInfo $i, $parentResults = array()) { $this->name = $n; $this->info = $i; $this->result = null; $this->parentResult = $parentResults; } } /** * Parsing state * * Internal structure of the Parser class */ class ParserState { const ENDOFOPTIONS = 0x1; const UNEXPECTEDOPTION = 0x2; const ABORT = 0x4; /** * * @var integer */ public $stateFlags; /** * * @var array */ public $argv; /** * * @var integer */ public $argIndex; /** * - First element: Program option name bindings * - Others: Subcommand option name bindings * * @var array */ public $optionNameBindings; public $optionGroupBindings; public $subcommandNameBindings; public $activeSubcommandIndex; /** * * @var unknown_type */ public $activeOption; public $activeOptionArguments; public $values; public function __construct(ProgramInfo $programInfo) { $this->optionNameBindings = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings = array(); $this->subcommandNameBindings = array(); $this->activeOption = null; $this->activeOptionArguments = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->anonymousOptionResults = array(); $this->optionNameBindings[0] = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings[0] = array(); $n = null; foreach ($programInfo->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($n, $o, 0); } $scIndex = 1; foreach ($programInfo->subcommands as $s) { $this->optionNameBindings[$scIndex] = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings[$scIndex] = array(); foreach ($s->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($n, $o, $scIndex); } $this->subcommandNameBindings[$s->name] = array( 'subcommandIndex' => $scIndex, 'subcommand' => $s ); $scIndex++; } } /** * Reset state and create a new ProgramResult * * @param ProgramInfo $programInfo * @param unknown_type $argv * @param unknown_type $startIndex */ public function prepareState(ProgramInfo $programInfo, $argv, $startIndex) { $this->stateFlags = 0; $this->argv = $argv; $this->argIndex = $startIndex; $this->activeOption = null; $this->activeOptionArguments = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->anonymousOptionResults = array(); $result = new ProgramResult(); foreach ($programInfo->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($result, $o, 0); } $scIndex = 1; foreach ($programInfo->subcommands as $s) { $scr = $result->addSubcommandResult($s->name, new SubcommandResult()); foreach ($s->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($scr, $o, $scIndex); } $scIndex++; } return $result; } private function createResult(RootItemResult $rootItemResult, OptionInfo $option) { $resultClassName = preg_replace(',(.+?)Info,', '\\1Result', get_class($option)); $result = new $resultClassName(); if (is_string($option->variableName) && strlen($option->variableName)) { $rootItemResult[$option->variableName] = $result; } else { $this->anonymousOptionResults[] = $result; } return $result; } private function initializeStateData($rootItemResult, $option, $groupIndex, $resultTree = array()) { $result = null; if ($rootItemResult) { $result = $this->createResult($rootItemResult, $option); } $names = $option->getOptionNames(); foreach ($names as $n) { if (!$rootItemResult) { $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()] = new OptionNameBinding($n, $option); } else // just (re)bind result { $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()]->result = $result; $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()]->parentResults = $resultTree; } } if ($option instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { // Add a dummy name $key = $option->getKey(); if (!$rootItemResult) { $n = new OptionName(''); $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key] = new OptionNameBinding($n, $option); } else // just (re)bind result { $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key]->result = $result; $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key]->parentResults = $resultTree; } foreach ($option->getOptions() as $suboption) { $parentResults = array(); if ($rootItemResult) { $parentResults = array_merge(array( $result ), $resultTree); } $this->initializeStateData($rootItemResult, $suboption, $groupIndex, $parentResults); } } } private $anonymousOptionResults; } /** * Command line parser */ class Parser { /** * * @param ProgramInfo $programInfo * Program interface definition */ public function __construct(ProgramInfo $programInfo) { $this->programInfo = $programInfo; $this->state = new ParserState($this->programInfo); } /** * Parse command line arguments * * @param array $argv * List of arguments * @param integer $startIndex * First argument to consider in $argv */ public function parse($argv = array(), $startIndex = 1) { $s = $this->state; $result = $s->prepareState($this->programInfo, $argv, $startIndex); $argc = count($argv); while ($s->argIndex < $argc) { $arg = $argv[$s->argIndex]; if ($s->activeOption) { if (!$this->activeOptionAcceptsArguments()) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS) { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } elseif ($arg == '--') { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS; $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } elseif ($arg == '-') { if ($s->activeOption) { if ($s->activeOption->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0) { $result->appendMessage(Message::WARNING, 2, Message::WARNING_IGNORE_EOA); $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } } elseif ($s->activeOption->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '\\-') { $arg = substr($arg, 1); if ($s->activeOption) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } } elseif ($s->activeOption && (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0)) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '--') { if ($s->activeOption) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } $matches = array(); $cliName = $arg; $name = substr($arg, 2); $tail = ''; $hasTail = (preg_match('/(.+?)=(.*)/', $name, $matches) == 1); if ($hasTail) { $name = $matches[1]; $cliName = '--' . $name; $tail = $matches[2]; } $s->activeOption = $this->findOptionByName($name); if ($s->activeOption) { if (!$this->optionExpected($s->activeOption)) { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } if ($hasTail) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $tail; } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::FATALERROR, 1, Message::FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION, $cliName); $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ABORT; break; } } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 1) == '-') { $arg = substr($arg, 1); while (strlen($arg) > 0) { if ($s->activeOption) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } $name = substr($arg, 0, 1); $cliName = '-' . $name; $arg = substr($arg, 1); $s->activeOption = $this->findOptionByName($name); if ($s->activeOption) { $ao = $s->activeOption; if (!$this->optionExpected($ao)) { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } if (($ao->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) || ($ao->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo)) { if (strlen($arg) > 0) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; break; } } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::FATALERROR, 1, Message::FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION, $cliName); $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ABORT; break; } } } elseif ($s->activeOption) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::ABORT) { break; } $s->argIndex++; } $this->unsetActiveOption($result); $changeCount = 0; do { $changeCount = $this->postProcessOptions($result); } while ($changeCount > 0); foreach ($s->optionGroupBindings as $g => $bindings) { if (($g > 0) && ($g != $s->activeSubcommandIndex)) { continue; } $binding = null; foreach ($bindings as $n => $binding) { if (!$binding->result->isSet && $this->optionRequired($binding)) { if ($binding->info->defaultOption instanceof OptionInfo) { $defaultOptionBinding = $this->findOption('info', $binding->info->defaultOption); if ($this->selectOption($result, $defaultOptionBinding)) continue; } $nameList = $binding->info->getOptionNameListString(); if ($binding->info->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 6, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_XGROUP, $nameList); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 5, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_GROUP, $nameList); } } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings as $g => $bindings) { if (($g > 0) && ($g != $s->activeSubcommandIndex)) { continue; } $binding = null; foreach ($bindings as $n => $b) { if ($binding && ($b->info == $binding->info)) { continue; } $binding = $b; if (!($binding->result->isSet) && $this->optionRequired($binding)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 4, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_OPTION, $binding->name->cliName()); } } } $this->postProcessPositionalArguments($result); return $result; } private function activeOptionAcceptsArguments() { $s = $this->state; $ao = $s->activeOption; $i = $ao->info; if ($i instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($i->maxArgumentCount > 0) { return ((count($s->activeOptionArguments) + count($ao->result->arguments)) < $ao->info->maxArgumentCount); } return true; } elseif ($i instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { return (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0); } return false; } private function unsetActiveOption(ProgramResult $result) { $markSet = false; $s = $this->state; $ao = $s->activeOption; if (!$ao) { return; } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 12, Message::ERROR_UNEXPECTED_OPTION, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } if ($ao->info instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { $markSet = true; if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { if ((count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 1) || (strlen($s->activeOptionArguments[0]) > 0)) { $markSet = false; $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 13, Message::ERROR_SWITCH_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } } elseif ($ao->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { $value = $s->activeOptionArguments[0]; if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $this->validateOptionArgument($result, $s->activeOption, $value)) { $markSet = true; $ao->result->argument = $value; } else { $ao->result->argument = null; } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 3, Message::ERROR_MISSING_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } elseif ($ao->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { foreach ($s->activeOptionArguments as $i => $value) { if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $this->validateOptionArgument($result, $s->activeOption, $value)) { $markSet = true; $ao->result->arguments[] = $value; } else { /* * Temporary add a dummy arg */ $ao->result->arguments[] = null; } } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 3, Message::ERROR_MISSING_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $markSet) { $this->markOption($result, $ao, true); } $s->activeOptionArguments = array(); $s->activeOption = null; $s->stateFlags &= ~ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } private function markOption(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding, $value) { $binding->result->isSet = $value; // Update option tree $previousResult = $binding->result; $childInfo = $binding->info; $parentInfo = $childInfo->parent; foreach ($binding->parentResults as $parentResult) { $parentResult->isSet += ($value) ? 1 : -1; if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if ($value) { $parentResult->selectedOption = $previousResult; $parentResult->selectedOptionName = $childInfo->variableName; } } assert(($parentResult->isSet >= 0)); // *This should not happen* if ($parentResult->isSet == 0) { $parentResult->selectedOption = null; $parentResult->selectedOptionName = null; } $childInfo = $childInfo->parent; $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } } private function validateOptionArgument(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding, $value) { $s = $this->state; $validates = true; foreach ($binding->info->validators as $validator) { $v = $validator->validate($this->state, $result, $binding, $value); $validates = ($validates && $v); } return $validates; } private function validatePositionalArgument(ProgramResult $result, PositionalArgumentInfo &$paInfo, $paNumber, $value) { $s = $this->state; $validates = true; foreach ($paInfo->validators as $validator) { $validates = ($validates && $validator->validate($this->state, $result, $paNumber, $value)); } return $validates; } private function processPositionalArgument(ProgramResult $result, $value) { if (!($this->state->stateFlags & ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS) && ($this->state->activeSubcommandIndex == 0) && (count($this->state->values) == 0)) { foreach ($this->state->subcommandNameBindings as $name => $binding) { if ($name == $value) { $this->state->activeSubcommandIndex = $binding['subcommandIndex']; $result->setActiveSubcommand($name); return; } foreach ($binding['subcommand']->aliases as $alias) { if ($alias == $value) { $this->state->activeSubcommandIndex = $binding['subcommandIndex']; $result->setActiveSubcommand($name); return; } } } } $this->state->values[] = $value; } private function selectOption(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding) { if ($binding->info instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { if (!($binding->info->defaultOption instanceof OptionInfo)) return false; } elseif ($binding->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($binding->info->defaultValue === null) return false; $binding->result->argument = $binding->info->defaultValue; } elseif ($binding->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($binding->info->minArgumentCount > 0) return false; $binding->result->arguments = array(); } $this->markOption($result, $binding, true); return true; } private function findOption($property, $value) { $s = $this->state; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex) { foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[$s->activeSubcommandIndex] as $n => $binding) { if ($binding->$property == $value) { return $binding; } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[0] as $n => $binding) { if ($binding->$property == $value) { return $binding; } } return null; } private function findOptionByName($name) { $s = $this->state; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex) { foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[$s->activeSubcommandIndex] as $n => $binding) { if ($name == $n) { return $binding; } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[0] as $n => $binding) { if ($name == $n) { return $binding; } } return null; } /** * * @param OptionNameBinding $option * @return boolean */ private function optionExpected(OptionNameBinding $option) { $s = $this->state; $parentInfo = $option->info->parent; $previousResult = $option->result; foreach ($option->parentResults as $i => $parentResult) { if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if ($parentResult->isSet && ($parentResult->selectedOption != $previousResult)) { return false; } } $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } return true; } private function optionRequired(OptionNameBinding $binding) { if (!($binding->info->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED)) { return false; } $previousResult = $binding->result; $parentInfo = $binding->info->parent; foreach ($binding->parentResults as $parentResult) { if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if (!$parentResult->isSet || ($parentResult->selectedOption != $previousResult)) { return false; } } $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } return true; } /** * * @param ProgramResult $result * @return integer Number of changes */ private function postProcessOptions(ProgramResult $result) { $s = $this->state; $current = null; $changeCount = 0; foreach ($s->optionNameBindings as $i => $group) { foreach ($group as $name => $binding) { if ($current && ($current->info == $binding->info)) { continue; } $current = $binding; if ($current->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if (!$current->result->isSet) { if (($current->info->defaultValue !== null) && $this->optionExpected($current)) { $current->result->argument = $current->info->defaultValue; $this->markOption($result, $current, true); $changeCount++; } else { $current->result->argument = null; } } } elseif ($current->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { $c = count($current->result->arguments); if ($current->result->isSet && ($current->info->minArgumentCount > 0) && ($c < $current->info->minArgumentCount)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 11, Message::ERROR_MISSING_MARG, $current->info->minArgumentCount, $current->name->cliName(), $c); $this->markOption($result, $current, false); $changeCount++; } if (!($current->result->isSet)) { $current->result->arguments = array(); } } } } return $changeCount; } private function postProcessPositionalArguments(ProgramResult $result) { $s = $this->state; $root = $this->programInfo; $validPositionalArgumentCount = 0; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex > 0) { $root = $this->programInfo->subcommands[$s->activeSubcommandIndex - 1]; } $paInfoCount = count($root->getPositionalArguments()); if ($paInfoCount == 0 && (count($s->values) > 0)) { if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex > 0) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 9, Message::ERROR_SUBCMD_POSARG, $root->name); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 8, Message::ERROR_PROGRAM_POSARG); } return $validPositionalArgumentCount; } $paInfoIndex = 0; $paNumber = 1; $currentPaiValueCount = 0; $processedValueCount = 0; $paInfo = null; foreach ($s->values as $value) { if ($paInfoIndex >= $paInfoCount) { break; } $currentPaiValueCount++; $processedValueCount++; $paInfo = $root->getPositionalArgument($paInfoIndex); if ($this->validatePositionalArgument($result, $paInfo, $paNumber, $value)) { $result->appendValue($value); $validPositionalArgumentCount++; } else { /** * * @todo continue or abort ? */ } if (($paInfo->maxArgumentCount > 0) && ($currentPaiValueCount == $paInfo->maxArgumentCount)) { $currentPaiValueCount = 0; $paInfoIndex++; } $paNumber++; } if (count($s->values) > $processedValueCount) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 10, Message::ERROR_TOOMANY_POSARG); } elseif ($paInfoIndex < $paInfoCount) { /** * * @note not yet supported by schema */ for ($i = $paInfoIndex; $i < $paInfoCount; $i++) { if ($root->getPositionalArgument($i)->positionalArgumentFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 7, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_POSARG, $i); } } } } /** * * @var ProgramInfo */ private $programInfo; /** * * @var ParserState */ private $state; }"




prg.php.base.code="// Basic objects /** * An option name */ class OptionName { const SHORT = 1; const LONG = 2; const ANY = 3; /** * * @param string $name * Option name */ public function __construct($name) { $this->m_name = $name; } public function __toString() { return $this->m_name; } /** * * @return boolean true if the option name is a short name (single character) */ public function isShort() { return (strlen($this->m_name) == 1); } /** * * @return string Option name (without leading dash(es)) */ public function name() { return $this->m_name; } /** * * @return string Option name as it appears on the command line */ public function cliName() { if ($this->isShort()) { return '-' . $this->m_name; } return '--' . $this->m_name; } /** * * @var string */ private $m_name; } /** * Array of OptionName */ class OptionNameList extends \ArrayObject { public function __construct($options = array()) { parent::__construct(); $optionArray = array(); foreach ($options as $k => $v) { if (is_object($v) && $v instanceof OptionName) { parent::offsetSet($v->name(), $v); } elseif (is_integer($k) && is_string($v)) { parent::offsetSet($v, new OptionName($v)); } else { // throw } } $this->uksort(array( get_class($this), 'keySort' )); } /** * * @param string $k * @param string $v */ public function offsetSet($k, $v) { parent::offsetSet($k, $v); $this->uksort(array( get_class($this), 'keySort' )); } /** * * @param function $func * @param array $argv * @throws BadMethodCallException */ public function __call($func, $argv) { if (!is_callable($func) || substr($func, 0, 6) !== 'array_') { throw new BadMethodCallException(__CLASS__ . '->' . $func); } return call_user_func_array($func, array_merge(array( $this->getArrayCopy() ), $argv)); } /** * * @return array Subset of names which only contains single-letter option names */ public function getShortOptionNames() { return array_filter($this->getArrayCopy(), array( get_class($this), 'filterShort' )); } /** * * @return array */ public function getLongOptionNames() { return array_filter($this->getArrayCopy(), array( get_class($this), 'filterLong' )); } /** * Get the first available option name * * @param integer $type * Option name type * @param bool $strict * Force option name to match the desired type * @return OptionName if available. Otherwise null */ public function getFirstOptionName($type = OptionName::ANY, $strict = false) { if ($type == OptionName::ANY) { $a = $this->getArrayCopy(); list ($k, $v) = each($a); return $v; } $other = null; foreach ($this as $k => $v) { if (($type == OptionName::SHORT) && $v->isShort()) { return $v; } elseif (($type == OptionName::LONG) && !$v->isShort()) { return $v; } if (!$other) { $other = $v; } } return ($strict) ? null : $v; } /** * Sort short option first, then use strcmp * * @param string $a * @param string $b */ public static function keySort($a, $b) { $la = strlen($a); $lb = strlen($b); if (($la < $lb) && ($la == 1)) { return -1; } elseif (($lb < $la) && ($lb == 1)) { return 1; } return strcmp($a, $b); } public static function filterShort($option) { return $option->isShort(); } public static function filterLong($option) { return !($option->isShort()); } } /** * Text utility */ class Text { /** * Extended version of the PHP built-in <code>implode</code> function * * @param array $list * Array to implode * @param string $separator * Value separator * @param string $lastSeparator * Separator between the penultimate and last values */ public static function implode($list, $separator = ', ', $lastSeparator = ' or ') { $c = count($list); if ($c <= 1) { return implode($separator, $list); } $last = array_pop($list); return implode($separator, $list) . $lastSeparator . $last; } } /** * Text wrapping function */ class TextWrap { const OFFSET_NONE = 0x0; const OFFSET_FIRST = 0x1; const OFFSET_OTHER = 0x2; /** * Maximum number of character per line */ public $lineLength; /** * End of line string delimiter */ public $endOfLineString; /** * Indentation character(s). * Should be \t or a series of ' ' (space) */ public $indentString; public function __construct($length = 80, $indent = ' ', $eolString = PHP_EOL) { $this->lineLength = $length; $this->endOfLineString = $eolString; $this->indentString = $indent; } /** * Wrap text * * @param string $text * Text to wrap * @param integer $mode * Offset mode (flags) * @param integer $level * Indentation level */ public function wrap($text, $mode = self::OFFSET_NONE, $level = 0) { $indentation = str_repeat($this->indentString, $level); $firstIndent = $indentation . (($mode & self::OFFSET_FIRST) ? $this->indentString : ''); $otherIndent = $indentation . (($mode & self::OFFSET_OTHER) ? $this->indentString : ''); $text = $firstIndent . $text; $len = ($this->lineLength - strlen($otherIndent)); $result = wordwrap($text, (($len > 0) ? $len : 1), $this->endOfLineString); if (($mode & self::OFFSET_OTHER) || strlen($indentation)) { $result = implode($this->endOfLineString . $otherIndent, explode($this->endOfLineString, $result)); } return $result; } } /** * Program usage display settings */ class UsageFormat { const SHORT_TEXT = 0x1; const ABSTRACT_TEXT = 0x2; const DETAILED_TEXT = 0x7; public $textWrap; public $format; public function __construct() { $this->textWrap = new TextWrap(); $this->format = self::DETAILED_TEXT; } } abstract class ValueValidator { /** * * @param ParserState $state * Parser state * @param ProgramResult $result * Program result instance * @param mixed $element * Option properties or positional argument index * @param mixed $value * Value to validate */ abstract function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value); /** * Additional usage information * * @return string */ abstract function usage(UsageFormat $usage); /** * Add 'Invalid argument' error message * * @param ParserState $state * @param ProgramResult $result * @param unknown_type $element * @param UsageFormat $usage */ protected function appendDefaultError(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, UsageFormat $usage) { if (is_object($element) && ($element instanceof OptionNameBinding)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 1, Message::ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, $element->name->cliName(), $this->usage($usage)); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 2, Message::ERROR_INVALID_POSARG_VALUE, $element, $this->usage($usage)); } } } /** * Validate path-type values */ class PathValueValidator extends ValueValidator { const EXISTS = 0x01; const ACCESS_READ = 0x02; const ACCESS_WRITE = 0x04; const ACCESS_EXECUTE = 0x08; const TYPE_FILE = 0x10; const TYPE_FOLDER = 0x20; const TYPE_SYMLINK = 0x40; const TYPE_ALL = 0x70; public function __construct($flags) { $this->flags = $flags; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { $passed = true; if ($this->flags & self::EXISTS) { if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_READ) && !is_readable($value)) { $passed = false; } if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_WRITE) && !is_writable($value)) { $passed = false; } if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_EXECUTE) && !is_executable($value)) { $passsed = false; } } if (file_exists($value)) { $types = ($this->flags & self::TYPE_ALL); if (!(($types == 0) || ($types == self::TYPE_ALL))) { $typeFound = false; if (($types & self::TYPE_FILE) && is_file($value)) { $typeFound = true; } elseif (($types & self::TYPE_FOLDER) && is_dir($value)) { $typeFound = true; } elseif (($types & self::TYPE_FOLDER) && is_link($value)) { $typeFound = true; } if (!$typeFound) { $passed = False; } } } /** * * @todo a more customized error message ? */ if (!$passed) { $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); } return $passed; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { $text = ''; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $types = ($this->flags & self::TYPE_ALL); if (!(($types == 0) || ($types == self::TYPE_ALL))) { $types = array( self::TYPE_FILE => 'file', self::TYPE_FOLDER => 'folder', self::TYPE_SYMLINK => 'symbolic link' ); $names = array(); foreach ($types as $t => $name) { if (($t & $this->flags) == $t) { $names[] = $name; } } $text .= 'Expected file type' . ((count($names) > 1) ? 's' : '') . ': '; $text .= Text::implode($names, ', ', ' or '); } $access = ($this->flags & (self::ACCESS_READ | self::ACCESS_WRITE | self::ACCESS_EXECUTE)); if ($access) { $access = array( self::ACCESS_READ => 'readable', self::ACCESS_WRITE => 'writable', self::ACCESS_EXECUTE => 'executable' ); $names = array(); foreach ($access as $a => $name) { if (($a & $this->flags) == $a) { $names[] = $name; } } $text .= (strlen($text) ? $eol : '') . 'Path argument must be ' . Text::implode($names, ', ', ' and '); } return $text; } private $flags; } /** * Number value validator */ class NumberValueValidator extends ValueValidator { public function __construct($minValue = null, $maxValue = null) { $this->minValue = $minValue; $this->maxValue = $maxValue; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { $passed = true; if (!is_numeric($value)) { $passed = false; } if ($passed && ($this->minValue !== null) && ($value < $this->minValue)) { $passed = false; } if ($passed && ($this->maxValue !== null) && ($value > $this->maxValue)) { $passed = false; } /** * * @todo a more customized error message ? */ if (!$passed) { $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); } return $passed; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { $text = 'Argument value must be a number'; if ($this->minValue !== null) { if ($this->maxValue !== null) { $text .= ' between ' . $this->minValue . ' and ' . $this->maxValue; } else { $text .= ' greater or equal than ' . $this->minValue; } } else { $text .= ' lesser or equal than ' . $this->maxValue; } return $text; } private $minValue; private $maxValue; } /** */ class EnumerationValueValidator extends ValueValidator { const RESTRICT = 0x1; public function __construct($values, $flags = self::RESTRICT) { $this->values = $values; $this->flags = $flags; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { if (!($this->flags & self::RESTRICT)) { return true; } foreach ($this->values as $v) { if ($v == $value) { return true; } } $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); return false; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { return 'Argument value ' . (($this->flags & self::RESTRICT) ? 'must' : 'can') . ' be ' . Text::implode($this->values, ', ', ' or '); } private $values; private $flags; } /** * Base class for all command line elements description */ class ItemInfo { /** * The element must appear on the command line * * @var flag */ const REQUIRED = 1; /** * * @var string */ public $abstract; /** * * @var string */ public $details; /** * * @param string $abstract * Short description * @param string $details * Detailed description */ public function __construct($abstract = null, $details = null) { $this->abstract = $abstract; $this->details = $details; } } // Option infos /** * Describe a program option */ class OptionInfo extends ItemInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $optionFlags; /** * * @var string */ public $variableName; /** * * @var ItemInfo null if the option is a top-level option */ public $parent; public $validators; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct(); $this->optionFlags = $flags; $this->variableName = $variableName; $this->optionNames = new OptionNameList(); if ($names) { $this->setOptionNames($names); } $this->parent = null; $this->validators = array(); } /** * * @return OptionMameList */ public function getOptionNames() { return $this->optionNames; } /** * * @param mixed $nameListOrArray */ public function setOptionNames($nameListOrArray) { if (is_array($nameListOrArray)) { $this->optionNames = new OptionNameList($nameListOrArray); } elseif ($nameListOrArray instanceof OptionNameList) { $this->optionNames = $nameListOrArray; } } public function getKey() { $key = get_class($this); if ($this->parent) { $index = 0; foreach ($this->parent->getOptions() as $o) { if ($o == $this) { $key .= $index; break; } $index++; } $key = $this->parent->getKey() . $key; } return $key; } /** * * @var OptionNameList */ private $optionNames; } /** * Switch option description */ class SwitchOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); } } /** * Type of value for given to (multi-)argument options * and positional arguments */ class ArgumentType { const STRING = 1; const MIXED = 1; // Alias of string const EXISTINGCOMMAND = 2; const HOSTNAME = 3; const PATH = 4; const NUMBER = 5; public static function usageName($type) { switch ($type) { case self::EXISTINGCOMMAND: return 'cmd'; case self::HOSTNAME: return 'host'; case self::PATH: return 'path'; case self::NUMBER: return 'number'; } return '?'; } } /** * Option which require a single argument */ class ArgumentOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentType; /** * * @var mixed */ public $defaultValue; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); $this->argumentType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->defaultValue = null; } } /** * Option which require at least one argument */ class MultiArgumentOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentsType; /** * * @var integer */ public $minArgumentCount; /** * * @var integer */ public $maxArgumentCount; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); $this->argumentsType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->minArgumentCount = 1; $this->maxArgumentCount = 0; } } /** * Base class for GroupOptionInfo, SubcommandInfo and ProgramInfo */ class OptionContainerOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var OptionInfo Option to select if none was set */ public $defaultOption; /** * * @param unknown $variableName * @param number $flags * @param OptionInfo $dflt */ public function __construct($variableName = null, $flags = 0, OptionInfo $dflt = null) { parent::__construct($variableName, null, $flags); $this->options = array(); $this->defaultOption = $dflt; } /** * * @return array OptionInfo array */ function getOptions() { return $this->options; } /** * * @param OptionInfo $option */ public function appendOption(OptionInfo $option) { $this->options[] = $option; $option->parent = $this; } public function getOptionNameListString() { $names = array(); foreach ($this->options as $option) { if ($option instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $names[] = '(' . $option->getOptionNameListString() . ')'; } else { $names[] = $option->getOptionNames() ->getFirstOptionName(OptionName::LONG, false) ->cliName(); } } return Text::implode($names, ', ', ' or '); } public static function sortSwitchFirst($a, $b) { if ($a instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { if ($b instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { return self::sortRequiredOptionFirst($a, $b); } return -1; } return 1; } public static function sortRequiredOptionFirst($a, $b) { if ($a->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { if ($b->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { return 0; } return -1; } return 1; } protected function optionShortUsage($usage) { $text = ''; // switch with short names, then others $list = $this->flattenOptionTree(); usort($list, array( get_class(), 'sortRequiredOptionFirst' )); $groups = array( array(), array() ); foreach ($list as $k => $option) { $firtShort = $option->getOptionNames()->getFirstOptionName(OptionName::SHORT, true); if ($firtShort && ($option instanceof SwitchOptionInfo)) { $groups[0][] = $firtShort->name(); } else { $first = $option->getOptionNames()->getFirstOptionName(); if ($first) { $groups[1][] = array( 'option' => $option, 'name' => $first ); } } } if (count($groups[0])) { natsort($groups[0]); $text .= '-' . implode('', $groups[0]); } foreach ($groups[1] as $other) { $option = $other['option']; $name = $other['name']; $required = ($option->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED); $optionText = $name->cliName(); if ($option instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { $optionText .= '=<' . ArgumentType::usageName($option->argumentType) . '>'; } elseif ($option instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { $optionText .= '=<' . ArgumentType::usageName($option->argumentsType) . ' ...>'; } if (!$required && strlen($optionText)) { $optionText = '[' . $optionText . ']'; } $text .= ((strlen($text) && strlen($optionText)) ? ' ' : '') . $optionText; } return $text; } protected function optionUsage($usage, $level = 0) { $text = ''; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; foreach ($this->options as $o) { $optionTaxt = ''; $subOptionsText = ''; if (!($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo)) { $names = array(); foreach ($o->getOptionNames() as $k => $name) { $names[] = $name->cliName(); } $optionTaxt = implode(', ', $names); } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) && strlen($o->abstract)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? ': ' : '') . $o->abstract; } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) && strlen($o->details)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? $eol : '') . $o->details; } if (!($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo)) { foreach ($o->validators as $v) { $vtext = $v->usage($usage); if (strlen($vtext)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? $eol : '') . $vtext; } } } if (strlen($optionTaxt)) { $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($optionTaxt, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $level) . $eol; } if ($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $subOptionsText = $o->optionUsage($usage, $level + 1); if (strlen($subOptionsText)) { $text .= $subOptionsText; } } } return $text; } protected function flattenOptionTree() { $list = array(); foreach ($this->options as $o) { if ($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $list = array_merge($list, $o->flattenOptionTree()); } else { $list[] = $o; } } return $list; } protected $options; } /** * Option group */ class GroupOptionInfo extends OptionContainerOptionInfo { /** * Regular group type * * @var integer */ const TYPE_NORMAL = 0; /** * Mutually exclusive option group * * @var integer */ const TYPE_EXCLUSIVE = 1; /** * * @var integer */ public $groupType; public function __construct($variableName = null, $groupType = self::TYPE_NORMAL, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $flags); $this->options = array(); $this->groupType = $groupType; } } /** * Non option argument value */ class PositionalArgumentInfo extends ItemInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $positionalArgumentFlags; /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentType; /** * * @var integer */ public $maxArgumentCount; /** * * @var array of validators */ public $validators; public function __construct($max = 1, $type = ArgumentType::STRING, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct(); $this->positionalArgumentFlags = $flags; $this->argumentType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->maxArgumentCount = $max; $this->validators = array(); } } /** * Base class for SubcommandInfo and ProgramInfo * * Contains options and positional argument definitions */ class RootItemInfo extends OptionContainerOptionInfo { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->positionalArguments = array(); } public function getPositionalArgument($index) { return $this->positionalArguments[$index]; } public function getPositionalArguments() { return $this->positionalArguments; } public function &appendPositionalArgument(PositionalArgumentInfo $paInfo) { $this->positionalArguments[] = $paInfo; return $paInfo; } public function positionalArgumentsUsage($usage, $level = 0) { $number = 1; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $text = ''; foreach ($this->positionalArguments as $pa) { $s = '#' . $number . '.'; if ($pa->abstract) { $s .= ' ' . $pa->abstract; } foreach ($pa->validators as $v) { $vtext = $v->usage($usage); if (strlen($vtext)) { $s .= $eol . $vtext . $eol; } } $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($s, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $level) . $eol; $number++; } return $text; } /** * * @var array of PositionalArgumentInfo */ protected $positionalArguments; } /** * Subcommand definition */ class SubcommandInfo extends RootItemInfo { /** * * @var string */ public $name; /** * * @var array of string */ public $aliases; public function __construct($name, $aliases = array()) { parent::__construct(); $this->name = $name; $this->aliases = $aliases; } /** * * @return array of names (name + aliases) */ public function getNames() { $n = array( $this->name ); return array_merge($n, $this->aliases); } } /** * Program definition */ class ProgramInfo extends RootItemInfo { /** * * @var string Program name */ public $name; /** * * @var array of SubcommandInfo */ public $subcommands; public function __construct($name, $subcommands = array()) { parent::__construct(); $this->name = $name; $this->subcommands = $subcommands; } public function usage($usage = null, $subcommandName = null) { $text = 'Usage: ' . $this->name; $usage = ($usage) ? $usage : new UsageFormat(); $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $subcommand = (is_string($subcommandName) ? $this->findSubcommand($subcommandName) : null); $root = ($subcommand) ? $subcommand : $this; if ($subcommand) { $text .= ' ' . $subcommand->name; } elseif (count($this->subcommands)) { $text .= ' [subcommand]'; } $text .= ' ' . $root->optionShortUsage($usage); foreach ($root->getPositionalArguments() as $pa) { $abstract = $pa->abstract ? $pa->abstract : ''; $e = explode(PHP_EOL, $abstract); $abstract = $e[0]; if ($pa->maxArgumentCount > 1) { $abstract .= ' ...'; } $text .= ' [' . $abstract . ']'; } $text = $usage->textWrap->wrap($text, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, 0) . $eol; if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) == UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) { if ($root->abstract) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap($root->abstract, 1) . $eol; } $optionsLevel = 1; $programOptionCount = count($this->options); $subcommandOptionCount = 0; if ($subcommand) { $subcommandOptionCount = count($subcommand->options); } if ($subcommand) { if ($subcommandOptionCount) { $optionsLevel = 2; $text .= $eol . $subcommand->optionUsage($usage, $optionsLevel) . $eol; if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Program options', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol; } } } elseif (count($this->subcommands)) { $optionsLevel = 2; $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Subcommands', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol . $eol; foreach ($this->subcommands as $subcommand) { $subcommandText = $subcommand->name; foreach ($subcommand->aliases as $alias) { $subcommandText .= ', ' . $alias; } if ($subcommand->abstract) { $subcommandText .= ': ' . $subcommand->abstract; } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) == UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) { if ($subcommand->details) { $subcommandText .= $eol . $subcommand->details; } } $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($subcommandText, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $optionsLevel) . $eol; } if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Program options', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol; } } if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $this->optionUsage($usage, $optionsLevel); } if (count($root->getPositionalArguments())) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Positional arguments', 0, 1) . $eol . $eol; $text .= $root->positionalArgumentsUsage($usage, 2); } } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) == UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) { if ($root->details) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap($root->details, 0, 1) . $eol; } } return $text . $eol; } public function &appendSubcommand(SubcommandInfo $sc) { $this->subcommands[] = $sc; return $sc; } public function findSubcommand($name) { foreach ($this->subcommands as $s) { if ($s->name == $name) { return $s; } foreach ($s->aliases as $a) { if ($a == $name) { return $s; } } } return null; } /** * * @param string $xmlProgramDefinition * @return boolean */ public function loadXmlDefinition($xmlProgramDefinition) { /** * * @todo * * * * * */ return true; } } /** * Base class for all *Result classes */ interface ItemResult { } /** * Option result */ abstract class OptionResult implements itemResult { /** * Indicates if the option is present on the command line. * The type of isSet member is * - integer for GroupOptionResult * - boolean for all others * * @var mixed */ public $isSet; public function __construct() { $this->isSet = false; } /** * Return the value of the option */ public function __invoke() { if (func_num_args() > 0) return call_user_func_array(array( $this, 'value' ), func_get_args()); return $this->value(); } // / Option-dependant result /** * * @return mixed */ abstract public function value(); } /** * Switch option result */ class SwitchOptionResult extends OptionResult { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Indicates if the option was set * * @return boolean */ public function value() { return $this->isSet; } } /** * Single argument option result */ class ArgumentOptionResult extends OptionResult { /** * * @var mixed Option argument value */ public $argument; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->argument = null; } /** * Return argument value * * @return string Argument vaiue if option is set. Otherwise, an empty string * @note __toString() is not equivalent to value() which will return null if the option is not set. */ public function __toString() { return $this->isSet ? $this->argument : ''; } /** * * @return mixed Option argument if set, otherwise null */ public function value() { return $this->isSet ? $this->argument : null; } } /** * Multi argument option result */ class MultiArgumentOptionResult extends OptionResult implements \Countable { /** * * @var array Option arguments */ public $arguments; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->arguments = array(); } public function count() { return $this->isSet ? count($this->arguments) : 0; } /** * * @para integer|array|null * @return mixed A single argument or array of arguments */ public function value() { $c = func_num_args(); if ($c == 1) { $a = func_get_arg(0); if (\is_array($a)) { return $this->multiArgumentValue($a); } } elseif ($c > 1) { return $this->multiArgumentValue(func_get_args()); } return $this->multiArgumentValue(null); } /** * * @param integer|array $subset * Argument index or array of argument indexes * @throws \BadMethodCallException * @return array|array|NULL|NULL[] */ private function multiArgumentValue($subset) { if (!$this->isSet) { return array(); } if (\is_null($subset)) { return $this->arguments; } elseif (is_integer($subset)) { if (\array_key_exists($subset, $this->arguments)) { return $this->arguments[$subset]; } return null; } elseif (\is_array($subset)) { $partial = array(); foreach ($subset as $k) { if (!\is_integer($k)) continue; $partial[$k] = array_key_exists($k, $this->arguments) ? $this->arguments[$k] : null; } return $partial; } else { $t = (is_object($subset) ? get_class($subset) : gettype($subset)); throw new \BadMethodCallException( __METHOD__ . ': Invalid argument type ' . $t . ', null, integer or array expected'); } } } /** * isSet represents the number of sub options represented on * the command line */ class GroupOptionResult extends OptionResult { /** * Reference to the OptionResult of the selectedOption * * @note For exclusive group option only * @var OptionResult */ public $selectedOption; /** * Variable name of the selected option * * @note For exclusive group option only * @var string */ public $selectedOptionName; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->selectedOption = null; $this->selectedOptionName = null; } /** * * @return string variable name of the selected option if set, otherwise an empty string. * If the option is not an exclusive option group, this value has no meaning * @note __toString() is not equivalent to value() which will return null if the option is not set. */ public function __toString() { return ($this->isSet) ? $this->selectedOptionName : ''; } /** * * @return string variable name of the selected option if set, otherwise null. * If the option is not an exclusive option group, this value has no meaning */ public function value() { return ($this->isSet) ? $this->selectedOptionName : null; } } /** * Parser message */ class Message { /** * Debug message */ const DEBUG = 0; /** * A warning is raised when something is ambiguous or ignored * by the parser */ const WARNING = 1; /** * An error is raised when a command line argument does not validate the program * interface definition rules. */ const ERROR = 2; /** * A fatal error is raised when a command line argument error leads to an unresumable * state. * Parsing stops immediately after a fatal error */ const FATALERROR = 3; /** * Message type */ public $type; /** * Message code * * @var integer */ public $code; /** * Message string */ public $message; public function __construct($type, $code, $message) { $this->type = $type; $this->code = $code; $this->message = $message; } public function __toString() { return $this->message; } const FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION = 'Unknown option %s'; /* 1 */ const ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE = 'Invalid value for option %s. %s'; /* 2 */ const ERROR_INVALID_POSARG_VALUE = 'Invalid value for positional argument %d. %s'; /* 3 */ const ERROR_MISSING_ARG = 'Missing argument for option %s'; /* 4 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_OPTION = 'Missing required option %s'; /* 5 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_GROUP = 'At least one of the following options have to be set: %s'; /* 6 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_XGROUP = 'One of the following options have to be set: %s'; /* 7 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_POSARG = 'Required positional argument %d is missing'; /* 8 */ const ERROR_PROGRAM_POSARG = 'Program does not accept positional arguments'; /* 9 */ const ERROR_SUBCMD_POSARG = 'Subcommand %s does not accept positional arguments'; /* 10 */ const ERROR_TOOMANY_POSARG = 'Too many positional arguments'; /* 11 */ const ERROR_MISSING_MARG = 'At least %d argument(s) required for %s option, got %d'; /* 12 */ const ERROR_UNEXPECTED_OPTION = 'Unexpected option %s'; /* 13 */ const ERROR_SWITCH_ARG = 'Option %s does not allow an argument'; const WARNING_IGNORE_EOA = 'Ignore end-of-argument marker'; } /** * Base class for SubcommandResult and ProgramResult */ class RootItemResult implements ItemResult, \ArrayAccess { public function __construct() { $this->options = array(); } /** * * @param key $variableName * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return OptionResult if found */ public function __get($variableName) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return $this->options[$variableName]; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid option key \'' . $variableName . '\''); } /** * * @param string $variableName * @param OptionResult $result * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function __set($variableName, $result) { if ($this->offsetExists($variableName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } if (!(is_object($result) && ($result instanceof OptionResult))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } $this->options[$variableName] = $result; } /** * If an option bound variable name corresponding * to @param variableName, the value of the option is returned * * @param string $variableName * @param array $args */ public function __call($variableName, $args = array()) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return call_user_func_array(array( $this->options[$variableName], 'value' ), $args); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid option key \'' . $variableName . '\''); } /** * * @param string $variableName * @param OptionResult $result * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function offsetSet($variableName, $result) { if ($this->offsetExists($variableName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName . ' already exists'); } if (!(is_object($result) && ($result instanceof OptionResult))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } $this->options[$variableName] = $result; } /** * N/A */ public function offsetUnset($variableName) {} /** * Indicate if an option exists with the given bound variable name * * @param string $variableName */ public function offsetExists($variableName) { return array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options); } /** * * @param key $variableName * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return OptionResult if found */ public function offsetGet($variableName) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return $this->options[$variableName]; } return null; } /** * * @return \ArrayIterator */ public function getOptionIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->options); } /** * * @var array of OptionResult */ private $options; } class SubcommandResult extends RootItemResult { } /** * Command line parsing program result * * \Iterator interface allow use of foreach * to retrieve positional arguments */ class ProgramResult extends RootItemResult implements \Iterator { /** * * @var string Selected sub command name */ public $subcommandName; /** * * @var SubcommandResult Selected sub command result */ public $subcommand; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->messages = array(); $this->subcommandName = null; $this->subcommands = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->valueIterator = 0; } /** * Indicates if the command line argument parsing completes successfully (without any errors) * * @return boolean * @return boolean */ public function __invoke() { return self::success($this); } /** * Indicates if the command line argument parsing completes successfully (without any errors) * * @param ProgramResult $result * @return boolean */ public static function success(ProgramResult $result) { $errors = $result->getMessages(Message::ERROR, Message::FATALERROR); return (count($errors) == 0); } /** * * @return integer Number of positional argument set */ public function valueCount() { return count($this->values); } /** * Get parser result messages * * @param integer $minLevel * @param integer $maxLevel */ public function getMessages($minLevel = Message::WARNING, $maxLevel = Message::FATALERROR) { $messages = array(); foreach ($this->messages as $k => $m) { if ($m->type < $minLevel) { continue; } if ($m->type > $maxLevel) { continue; } $messages[] = $m; } return $messages; } /** * * @param integer $item * Positional argument index * @param mixed $result * Positional argument value */ public function offsetSet($item, $result) { if (is_integer($item)) { if (($item >= 0) && !array_key_exists($item, $this->values)) { $this->values[$item] = $result; } return; } return parent::offsetSet($item, $result); } /** * Search positional argument at @param $item index or * OptionResult with @param $item as bound variable name * * @param mixed $item * @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($item) { if (is_integer($item)) { return (($item >= 0) && array_key_exists($item, $this->values)); } return parent::offsetExists($item); } /** * Search positional argument at @param $item index or * OptionResult with @param $item as bound variable name * * @param mixed $item * @return ItemResult */ public function offsetGet($item) { if (is_integer($item)) { if (($item >= 0) && array_key_exists($item, $this->values)) { return $this->values[$item]; } return null; } return parent::offsetGet($item); } /** * Current positional argument index */ public function key() { return $this->valueIterator; } /** * Current positional argument value */ public function current() { return $this->valid() ? $this->values[$this->valueIterator] : null; } /** * Move to next positional argument */ public function next() { $this->valueIterator++; } /** * true if a positional argument is set at the given index */ public function valid() { return array_key_exists($this->valueIterator, $this->values); } /** * Rewind positional argument iterator */ public function rewind() { return $this->valueIterator = 0; } /** * Internal use */ public function setActiveSubcommand($name) { $this->subcommandName = $name; $this->subcommand = $this->subcommands[$name]; } /** * Internal use */ public function addSubcommandResult($name, SubcommandResult $result) { $this->subcommands[$name] = $result; return $result; } /** * Add a parser pessage. * * @note This method should anly be called by the Parser */ public function appendMessage() /** * $type, $code, $format , . * * * * .. */ { $args = func_get_args(); $type = array_shift($args); $code = intval(array_shift($args)); $this->messages[] = new Message($type, $code, call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args)); } /** * Add a positinal argument value * * @note This method should anly be called by the Parser */ public function appendValue($value) { $this->values[] = $value; } /** * * @var array of values */ private $values; /** * * @var array */ private $messages; /** * * @var integer */ private $valueIterator; /** * * @var array Program SubcommandResults */ private $subcommands; } /** * Internal ParserState structure. * * Bind an option name with the OptionInfo and OptionResult */ class OptionNameBinding { /** * * @var OptionName */ public $name; /** * * @var OptionInfo */ public $info; /** * * @var OptionResult */ public $result; /** * Array of the ancestors results from parent to first group * * @var array */ public $parentResults; public function __construct(OptionName $n, OptionInfo $i, $parentResults = array()) { $this->name = $n; $this->info = $i; $this->result = null; $this->parentResult = $parentResults; } } /** * Parsing state * * Internal structure of the Parser class */ class ParserState { const ENDOFOPTIONS = 0x1; const UNEXPECTEDOPTION = 0x2; const ABORT = 0x4; /** * * @var integer */ public $stateFlags; /** * * @var array */ public $argv; /** * * @var integer */ public $argIndex; /** * - First element: Program option name bindings * - Others: Subcommand option name bindings * * @var array */ public $optionNameBindings; public $optionGroupBindings; public $subcommandNameBindings; public $activeSubcommandIndex; /** * * @var unknown_type */ public $activeOption; public $activeOptionArguments; public $values; public function __construct(ProgramInfo $programInfo) { $this->optionNameBindings = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings = array(); $this->subcommandNameBindings = array(); $this->activeOption = null; $this->activeOptionArguments = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->anonymousOptionResults = array(); $this->optionNameBindings[0] = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings[0] = array(); $n = null; foreach ($programInfo->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($n, $o, 0); } $scIndex = 1; foreach ($programInfo->subcommands as $s) { $this->optionNameBindings[$scIndex] = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings[$scIndex] = array(); foreach ($s->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($n, $o, $scIndex); } $this->subcommandNameBindings[$s->name] = array( 'subcommandIndex' => $scIndex, 'subcommand' => $s ); $scIndex++; } } /** * Reset state and create a new ProgramResult * * @param ProgramInfo $programInfo * @param unknown_type $argv * @param unknown_type $startIndex */ public function prepareState(ProgramInfo $programInfo, $argv, $startIndex) { $this->stateFlags = 0; $this->argv = $argv; $this->argIndex = $startIndex; $this->activeOption = null; $this->activeOptionArguments = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->anonymousOptionResults = array(); $result = new ProgramResult(); foreach ($programInfo->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($result, $o, 0); } $scIndex = 1; foreach ($programInfo->subcommands as $s) { $scr = $result->addSubcommandResult($s->name, new SubcommandResult()); foreach ($s->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($scr, $o, $scIndex); } $scIndex++; } return $result; } private function createResult(RootItemResult $rootItemResult, OptionInfo $option) { $resultClassName = preg_replace(',(.+?)Info,', '\\1Result', get_class($option)); $result = new $resultClassName(); if (is_string($option->variableName) && strlen($option->variableName)) { $rootItemResult[$option->variableName] = $result; } else { $this->anonymousOptionResults[] = $result; } return $result; } private function initializeStateData($rootItemResult, $option, $groupIndex, $resultTree = array()) { $result = null; if ($rootItemResult) { $result = $this->createResult($rootItemResult, $option); } $names = $option->getOptionNames(); foreach ($names as $n) { if (!$rootItemResult) { $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()] = new OptionNameBinding($n, $option); } else // just (re)bind result { $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()]->result = $result; $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()]->parentResults = $resultTree; } } if ($option instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { // Add a dummy name $key = $option->getKey(); if (!$rootItemResult) { $n = new OptionName(''); $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key] = new OptionNameBinding($n, $option); } else // just (re)bind result { $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key]->result = $result; $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key]->parentResults = $resultTree; } foreach ($option->getOptions() as $suboption) { $parentResults = array(); if ($rootItemResult) { $parentResults = array_merge(array( $result ), $resultTree); } $this->initializeStateData($rootItemResult, $suboption, $groupIndex, $parentResults); } } } private $anonymousOptionResults; } /** * Command line parser */ class Parser { /** * * @param ProgramInfo $programInfo * Program interface definition */ public function __construct(ProgramInfo $programInfo) { $this->programInfo = $programInfo; $this->state = new ParserState($this->programInfo); } /** * Parse command line arguments * * @param array $argv * List of arguments * @param integer $startIndex * First argument to consider in $argv */ public function parse($argv = array(), $startIndex = 1) { $s = $this->state; $result = $s->prepareState($this->programInfo, $argv, $startIndex); $argc = count($argv); while ($s->argIndex < $argc) { $arg = $argv[$s->argIndex]; if ($s->activeOption) { if (!$this->activeOptionAcceptsArguments()) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS) { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } elseif ($arg == '--') { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS; $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } elseif ($arg == '-') { if ($s->activeOption) { if ($s->activeOption->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0) { $result->appendMessage(Message::WARNING, 2, Message::WARNING_IGNORE_EOA); $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } } elseif ($s->activeOption->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '\\-') { $arg = substr($arg, 1); if ($s->activeOption) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } } elseif ($s->activeOption && (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0)) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '--') { if ($s->activeOption) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } $matches = array(); $cliName = $arg; $name = substr($arg, 2); $tail = ''; $hasTail = (preg_match('/(.+?)=(.*)/', $name, $matches) == 1); if ($hasTail) { $name = $matches[1]; $cliName = '--' . $name; $tail = $matches[2]; } $s->activeOption = $this->findOptionByName($name); if ($s->activeOption) { if (!$this->optionExpected($s->activeOption)) { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } if ($hasTail) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $tail; } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::FATALERROR, 1, Message::FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION, $cliName); $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ABORT; break; } } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 1) == '-') { $arg = substr($arg, 1); while (strlen($arg) > 0) { if ($s->activeOption) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } $name = substr($arg, 0, 1); $cliName = '-' . $name; $arg = substr($arg, 1); $s->activeOption = $this->findOptionByName($name); if ($s->activeOption) { $ao = $s->activeOption; if (!$this->optionExpected($ao)) { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } if (($ao->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) || ($ao->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo)) { if (strlen($arg) > 0) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; break; } } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::FATALERROR, 1, Message::FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION, $cliName); $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ABORT; break; } } } elseif ($s->activeOption) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::ABORT) { break; } $s->argIndex++; } $this->unsetActiveOption($result); $changeCount = 0; do { $changeCount = $this->postProcessOptions($result); } while ($changeCount > 0); foreach ($s->optionGroupBindings as $g => $bindings) { if (($g > 0) && ($g != $s->activeSubcommandIndex)) { continue; } $binding = null; foreach ($bindings as $n => $binding) { if (!$binding->result->isSet && $this->optionRequired($binding)) { if ($binding->info->defaultOption instanceof OptionInfo) { $defaultOptionBinding = $this->findOption('info', $binding->info->defaultOption); if ($this->selectOption($result, $defaultOptionBinding)) continue; } $nameList = $binding->info->getOptionNameListString(); if ($binding->info->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 6, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_XGROUP, $nameList); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 5, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_GROUP, $nameList); } } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings as $g => $bindings) { if (($g > 0) && ($g != $s->activeSubcommandIndex)) { continue; } $binding = null; foreach ($bindings as $n => $b) { if ($binding && ($b->info == $binding->info)) { continue; } $binding = $b; if (!($binding->result->isSet) && $this->optionRequired($binding)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 4, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_OPTION, $binding->name->cliName()); } } } $this->postProcessPositionalArguments($result); return $result; } private function activeOptionAcceptsArguments() { $s = $this->state; $ao = $s->activeOption; $i = $ao->info; if ($i instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($i->maxArgumentCount > 0) { return ((count($s->activeOptionArguments) + count($ao->result->arguments)) < $ao->info->maxArgumentCount); } return true; } elseif ($i instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { return (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0); } return false; } private function unsetActiveOption(ProgramResult $result) { $markSet = false; $s = $this->state; $ao = $s->activeOption; if (!$ao) { return; } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 12, Message::ERROR_UNEXPECTED_OPTION, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } if ($ao->info instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { $markSet = true; if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { if ((count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 1) || (strlen($s->activeOptionArguments[0]) > 0)) { $markSet = false; $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 13, Message::ERROR_SWITCH_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } } elseif ($ao->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { $value = $s->activeOptionArguments[0]; if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $this->validateOptionArgument($result, $s->activeOption, $value)) { $markSet = true; $ao->result->argument = $value; } else { $ao->result->argument = null; } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 3, Message::ERROR_MISSING_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } elseif ($ao->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { foreach ($s->activeOptionArguments as $i => $value) { if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $this->validateOptionArgument($result, $s->activeOption, $value)) { $markSet = true; $ao->result->arguments[] = $value; } else { /* * Temporary add a dummy arg */ $ao->result->arguments[] = null; } } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 3, Message::ERROR_MISSING_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $markSet) { $this->markOption($result, $ao, true); } $s->activeOptionArguments = array(); $s->activeOption = null; $s->stateFlags &= ~ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } private function markOption(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding, $value) { $binding->result->isSet = $value; // Update option tree $previousResult = $binding->result; $childInfo = $binding->info; $parentInfo = $childInfo->parent; foreach ($binding->parentResults as $parentResult) { $parentResult->isSet += ($value) ? 1 : -1; if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if ($value) { $parentResult->selectedOption = $previousResult; $parentResult->selectedOptionName = $childInfo->variableName; } } assert(($parentResult->isSet >= 0)); // *This should not happen* if ($parentResult->isSet == 0) { $parentResult->selectedOption = null; $parentResult->selectedOptionName = null; } $childInfo = $childInfo->parent; $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } } private function validateOptionArgument(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding, $value) { $s = $this->state; $validates = true; foreach ($binding->info->validators as $validator) { $v = $validator->validate($this->state, $result, $binding, $value); $validates = ($validates && $v); } return $validates; } private function validatePositionalArgument(ProgramResult $result, PositionalArgumentInfo &$paInfo, $paNumber, $value) { $s = $this->state; $validates = true; foreach ($paInfo->validators as $validator) { $validates = ($validates && $validator->validate($this->state, $result, $paNumber, $value)); } return $validates; } private function processPositionalArgument(ProgramResult $result, $value) { if (!($this->state->stateFlags & ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS) && ($this->state->activeSubcommandIndex == 0) && (count($this->state->values) == 0)) { foreach ($this->state->subcommandNameBindings as $name => $binding) { if ($name == $value) { $this->state->activeSubcommandIndex = $binding['subcommandIndex']; $result->setActiveSubcommand($name); return; } foreach ($binding['subcommand']->aliases as $alias) { if ($alias == $value) { $this->state->activeSubcommandIndex = $binding['subcommandIndex']; $result->setActiveSubcommand($name); return; } } } } $this->state->values[] = $value; } private function selectOption(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding) { if ($binding->info instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { if (!($binding->info->defaultOption instanceof OptionInfo)) return false; } elseif ($binding->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($binding->info->defaultValue === null) return false; $binding->result->argument = $binding->info->defaultValue; } elseif ($binding->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($binding->info->minArgumentCount > 0) return false; $binding->result->arguments = array(); } $this->markOption($result, $binding, true); return true; } private function findOption($property, $value) { $s = $this->state; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex) { foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[$s->activeSubcommandIndex] as $n => $binding) { if ($binding->$property == $value) { return $binding; } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[0] as $n => $binding) { if ($binding->$property == $value) { return $binding; } } return null; } private function findOptionByName($name) { $s = $this->state; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex) { foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[$s->activeSubcommandIndex] as $n => $binding) { if ($name == $n) { return $binding; } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[0] as $n => $binding) { if ($name == $n) { return $binding; } } return null; } /** * * @param OptionNameBinding $option * @return boolean */ private function optionExpected(OptionNameBinding $option) { $s = $this->state; $parentInfo = $option->info->parent; $previousResult = $option->result; foreach ($option->parentResults as $i => $parentResult) { if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if ($parentResult->isSet && ($parentResult->selectedOption != $previousResult)) { return false; } } $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } return true; } private function optionRequired(OptionNameBinding $binding) { if (!($binding->info->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED)) { return false; } $previousResult = $binding->result; $parentInfo = $binding->info->parent; foreach ($binding->parentResults as $parentResult) { if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if (!$parentResult->isSet || ($parentResult->selectedOption != $previousResult)) { return false; } } $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } return true; } /** * * @param ProgramResult $result * @return integer Number of changes */ private function postProcessOptions(ProgramResult $result) { $s = $this->state; $current = null; $changeCount = 0; foreach ($s->optionNameBindings as $i => $group) { foreach ($group as $name => $binding) { if ($current && ($current->info == $binding->info)) { continue; } $current = $binding; if ($current->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if (!$current->result->isSet) { if (($current->info->defaultValue !== null) && $this->optionExpected($current)) { $current->result->argument = $current->info->defaultValue; $this->markOption($result, $current, true); $changeCount++; } else { $current->result->argument = null; } } } elseif ($current->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { $c = count($current->result->arguments); if ($current->result->isSet && ($current->info->minArgumentCount > 0) && ($c < $current->info->minArgumentCount)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 11, Message::ERROR_MISSING_MARG, $current->info->minArgumentCount, $current->name->cliName(), $c); $this->markOption($result, $current, false); $changeCount++; } if (!($current->result->isSet)) { $current->result->arguments = array(); } } } } return $changeCount; } private function postProcessPositionalArguments(ProgramResult $result) { $s = $this->state; $root = $this->programInfo; $validPositionalArgumentCount = 0; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex > 0) { $root = $this->programInfo->subcommands[$s->activeSubcommandIndex - 1]; } $paInfoCount = count($root->getPositionalArguments()); if ($paInfoCount == 0 && (count($s->values) > 0)) { if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex > 0) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 9, Message::ERROR_SUBCMD_POSARG, $root->name); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 8, Message::ERROR_PROGRAM_POSARG); } return $validPositionalArgumentCount; } $paInfoIndex = 0; $paNumber = 1; $currentPaiValueCount = 0; $processedValueCount = 0; $paInfo = null; foreach ($s->values as $value) { if ($paInfoIndex >= $paInfoCount) { break; } $currentPaiValueCount++; $processedValueCount++; $paInfo = $root->getPositionalArgument($paInfoIndex); if ($this->validatePositionalArgument($result, $paInfo, $paNumber, $value)) { $result->appendValue($value); $validPositionalArgumentCount++; } else { /** * * @todo continue or abort ? */ } if (($paInfo->maxArgumentCount > 0) && ($currentPaiValueCount == $paInfo->maxArgumentCount)) { $currentPaiValueCount = 0; $paInfoIndex++; } $paNumber++; } if (count($s->values) > $processedValueCount) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 10, Message::ERROR_TOOMANY_POSARG); } elseif ($paInfoIndex < $paInfoCount) { /** * * @note not yet supported by schema */ for ($i = $paInfoIndex; $i < $paInfoCount; $i++) { if ($root->getPositionalArgument($i)->positionalArgumentFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 7, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_POSARG, $i); } } } } /** * * @var ProgramInfo */ private $programInfo; /** * * @var ParserState */ private $state; }"
Base classes of the PHP parser

Default value: // Basic objects /** * An option name */ class OptionName { const SHORT = 1; const LONG = 2; const ANY = 3; /** * * @param string $name * Option name */ public function __construct($name) { $this->m_name = $name; } public function __toString() { return $this->m_name; } /** * * @return boolean true if the option name is a short name (single character) */ public function isShort() { return (strlen($this->m_name) == 1); } /** * * @return string Option name (without leading dash(es)) */ public function name() { return $this->m_name; } /** * * @return string Option name as it appears on the command line */ public function cliName() { if ($this->isShort()) { return '-' . $this->m_name; } return '--' . $this->m_name; } /** * * @var string */ private $m_name; } /** * Array of OptionName */ class OptionNameList extends \ArrayObject { public function __construct($options = array()) { parent::__construct(); $optionArray = array(); foreach ($options as $k => $v) { if (is_object($v) && $v instanceof OptionName) { parent::offsetSet($v->name(), $v); } elseif (is_integer($k) && is_string($v)) { parent::offsetSet($v, new OptionName($v)); } else { // throw } } $this->uksort(array( get_class($this), 'keySort' )); } /** * * @param string $k * @param string $v */ public function offsetSet($k, $v) { parent::offsetSet($k, $v); $this->uksort(array( get_class($this), 'keySort' )); } /** * * @param function $func * @param array $argv * @throws BadMethodCallException */ public function __call($func, $argv) { if (!is_callable($func) || substr($func, 0, 6) !== 'array_') { throw new BadMethodCallException(__CLASS__ . '->' . $func); } return call_user_func_array($func, array_merge(array( $this->getArrayCopy() ), $argv)); } /** * * @return array Subset of names which only contains single-letter option names */ public function getShortOptionNames() { return array_filter($this->getArrayCopy(), array( get_class($this), 'filterShort' )); } /** * * @return array */ public function getLongOptionNames() { return array_filter($this->getArrayCopy(), array( get_class($this), 'filterLong' )); } /** * Get the first available option name * * @param integer $type * Option name type * @param bool $strict * Force option name to match the desired type * @return OptionName if available. Otherwise null */ public function getFirstOptionName($type = OptionName::ANY, $strict = false) { if ($type == OptionName::ANY) { $a = $this->getArrayCopy(); list ($k, $v) = each($a); return $v; } $other = null; foreach ($this as $k => $v) { if (($type == OptionName::SHORT) && $v->isShort()) { return $v; } elseif (($type == OptionName::LONG) && !$v->isShort()) { return $v; } if (!$other) { $other = $v; } } return ($strict) ? null : $v; } /** * Sort short option first, then use strcmp * * @param string $a * @param string $b */ public static function keySort($a, $b) { $la = strlen($a); $lb = strlen($b); if (($la < $lb) && ($la == 1)) { return -1; } elseif (($lb < $la) && ($lb == 1)) { return 1; } return strcmp($a, $b); } public static function filterShort($option) { return $option->isShort(); } public static function filterLong($option) { return !($option->isShort()); } } /** * Text utility */ class Text { /** * Extended version of the PHP built-in <code>implode</code> function * * @param array $list * Array to implode * @param string $separator * Value separator * @param string $lastSeparator * Separator between the penultimate and last values */ public static function implode($list, $separator = ', ', $lastSeparator = ' or ') { $c = count($list); if ($c <= 1) { return implode($separator, $list); } $last = array_pop($list); return implode($separator, $list) . $lastSeparator . $last; } } /** * Text wrapping function */ class TextWrap { const OFFSET_NONE = 0x0; const OFFSET_FIRST = 0x1; const OFFSET_OTHER = 0x2; /** * Maximum number of character per line */ public $lineLength; /** * End of line string delimiter */ public $endOfLineString; /** * Indentation character(s). * Should be \t or a series of ' ' (space) */ public $indentString; public function __construct($length = 80, $indent = ' ', $eolString = PHP_EOL) { $this->lineLength = $length; $this->endOfLineString = $eolString; $this->indentString = $indent; } /** * Wrap text * * @param string $text * Text to wrap * @param integer $mode * Offset mode (flags) * @param integer $level * Indentation level */ public function wrap($text, $mode = self::OFFSET_NONE, $level = 0) { $indentation = str_repeat($this->indentString, $level); $firstIndent = $indentation . (($mode & self::OFFSET_FIRST) ? $this->indentString : ''); $otherIndent = $indentation . (($mode & self::OFFSET_OTHER) ? $this->indentString : ''); $text = $firstIndent . $text; $len = ($this->lineLength - strlen($otherIndent)); $result = wordwrap($text, (($len > 0) ? $len : 1), $this->endOfLineString); if (($mode & self::OFFSET_OTHER) || strlen($indentation)) { $result = implode($this->endOfLineString . $otherIndent, explode($this->endOfLineString, $result)); } return $result; } } /** * Program usage display settings */ class UsageFormat { const SHORT_TEXT = 0x1; const ABSTRACT_TEXT = 0x2; const DETAILED_TEXT = 0x7; public $textWrap; public $format; public function __construct() { $this->textWrap = new TextWrap(); $this->format = self::DETAILED_TEXT; } } abstract class ValueValidator { /** * * @param ParserState $state * Parser state * @param ProgramResult $result * Program result instance * @param mixed $element * Option properties or positional argument index * @param mixed $value * Value to validate */ abstract function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value); /** * Additional usage information * * @return string */ abstract function usage(UsageFormat $usage); /** * Add 'Invalid argument' error message * * @param ParserState $state * @param ProgramResult $result * @param unknown_type $element * @param UsageFormat $usage */ protected function appendDefaultError(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, UsageFormat $usage) { if (is_object($element) && ($element instanceof OptionNameBinding)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 1, Message::ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, $element->name->cliName(), $this->usage($usage)); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 2, Message::ERROR_INVALID_POSARG_VALUE, $element, $this->usage($usage)); } } } /** * Validate path-type values */ class PathValueValidator extends ValueValidator { const EXISTS = 0x01; const ACCESS_READ = 0x02; const ACCESS_WRITE = 0x04; const ACCESS_EXECUTE = 0x08; const TYPE_FILE = 0x10; const TYPE_FOLDER = 0x20; const TYPE_SYMLINK = 0x40; const TYPE_ALL = 0x70; public function __construct($flags) { $this->flags = $flags; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { $passed = true; if ($this->flags & self::EXISTS) { if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_READ) && !is_readable($value)) { $passed = false; } if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_WRITE) && !is_writable($value)) { $passed = false; } if (($this->flags & self::ACCESS_EXECUTE) && !is_executable($value)) { $passsed = false; } } if (file_exists($value)) { $types = ($this->flags & self::TYPE_ALL); if (!(($types == 0) || ($types == self::TYPE_ALL))) { $typeFound = false; if (($types & self::TYPE_FILE) && is_file($value)) { $typeFound = true; } elseif (($types & self::TYPE_FOLDER) && is_dir($value)) { $typeFound = true; } elseif (($types & self::TYPE_FOLDER) && is_link($value)) { $typeFound = true; } if (!$typeFound) { $passed = False; } } } /** * * @todo a more customized error message ? */ if (!$passed) { $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); } return $passed; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { $text = ''; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $types = ($this->flags & self::TYPE_ALL); if (!(($types == 0) || ($types == self::TYPE_ALL))) { $types = array( self::TYPE_FILE => 'file', self::TYPE_FOLDER => 'folder', self::TYPE_SYMLINK => 'symbolic link' ); $names = array(); foreach ($types as $t => $name) { if (($t & $this->flags) == $t) { $names[] = $name; } } $text .= 'Expected file type' . ((count($names) > 1) ? 's' : '') . ': '; $text .= Text::implode($names, ', ', ' or '); } $access = ($this->flags & (self::ACCESS_READ | self::ACCESS_WRITE | self::ACCESS_EXECUTE)); if ($access) { $access = array( self::ACCESS_READ => 'readable', self::ACCESS_WRITE => 'writable', self::ACCESS_EXECUTE => 'executable' ); $names = array(); foreach ($access as $a => $name) { if (($a & $this->flags) == $a) { $names[] = $name; } } $text .= (strlen($text) ? $eol : '') . 'Path argument must be ' . Text::implode($names, ', ', ' and '); } return $text; } private $flags; } /** * Number value validator */ class NumberValueValidator extends ValueValidator { public function __construct($minValue = null, $maxValue = null) { $this->minValue = $minValue; $this->maxValue = $maxValue; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { $passed = true; if (!is_numeric($value)) { $passed = false; } if ($passed && ($this->minValue !== null) && ($value < $this->minValue)) { $passed = false; } if ($passed && ($this->maxValue !== null) && ($value > $this->maxValue)) { $passed = false; } /** * * @todo a more customized error message ? */ if (!$passed) { $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); } return $passed; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { $text = 'Argument value must be a number'; if ($this->minValue !== null) { if ($this->maxValue !== null) { $text .= ' between ' . $this->minValue . ' and ' . $this->maxValue; } else { $text .= ' greater or equal than ' . $this->minValue; } } else { $text .= ' lesser or equal than ' . $this->maxValue; } return $text; } private $minValue; private $maxValue; } /** */ class EnumerationValueValidator extends ValueValidator { const RESTRICT = 0x1; public function __construct($values, $flags = self::RESTRICT) { $this->values = $values; $this->flags = $flags; } public function validate(ParserState $state, ProgramResult $result, $element, $value) { if (!($this->flags & self::RESTRICT)) { return true; } foreach ($this->values as $v) { if ($v == $value) { return true; } } $usage = new UsageFormat(); $this->appendDefaultError($state, $result, $element, $usage); return false; } public function usage(UsageFormat $usage) { return 'Argument value ' . (($this->flags & self::RESTRICT) ? 'must' : 'can') . ' be ' . Text::implode($this->values, ', ', ' or '); } private $values; private $flags; } /** * Base class for all command line elements description */ class ItemInfo { /** * The element must appear on the command line * * @var flag */ const REQUIRED = 1; /** * * @var string */ public $abstract; /** * * @var string */ public $details; /** * * @param string $abstract * Short description * @param string $details * Detailed description */ public function __construct($abstract = null, $details = null) { $this->abstract = $abstract; $this->details = $details; } } // Option infos /** * Describe a program option */ class OptionInfo extends ItemInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $optionFlags; /** * * @var string */ public $variableName; /** * * @var ItemInfo null if the option is a top-level option */ public $parent; public $validators; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct(); $this->optionFlags = $flags; $this->variableName = $variableName; $this->optionNames = new OptionNameList(); if ($names) { $this->setOptionNames($names); } $this->parent = null; $this->validators = array(); } /** * * @return OptionMameList */ public function getOptionNames() { return $this->optionNames; } /** * * @param mixed $nameListOrArray */ public function setOptionNames($nameListOrArray) { if (is_array($nameListOrArray)) { $this->optionNames = new OptionNameList($nameListOrArray); } elseif ($nameListOrArray instanceof OptionNameList) { $this->optionNames = $nameListOrArray; } } public function getKey() { $key = get_class($this); if ($this->parent) { $index = 0; foreach ($this->parent->getOptions() as $o) { if ($o == $this) { $key .= $index; break; } $index++; } $key = $this->parent->getKey() . $key; } return $key; } /** * * @var OptionNameList */ private $optionNames; } /** * Switch option description */ class SwitchOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); } } /** * Type of value for given to (multi-)argument options * and positional arguments */ class ArgumentType { const STRING = 1; const MIXED = 1; // Alias of string const EXISTINGCOMMAND = 2; const HOSTNAME = 3; const PATH = 4; const NUMBER = 5; public static function usageName($type) { switch ($type) { case self::EXISTINGCOMMAND: return 'cmd'; case self::HOSTNAME: return 'host'; case self::PATH: return 'path'; case self::NUMBER: return 'number'; } return '?'; } } /** * Option which require a single argument */ class ArgumentOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentType; /** * * @var mixed */ public $defaultValue; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); $this->argumentType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->defaultValue = null; } } /** * Option which require at least one argument */ class MultiArgumentOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentsType; /** * * @var integer */ public $minArgumentCount; /** * * @var integer */ public $maxArgumentCount; public function __construct($variableName = null, $names = null, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $names, $flags); $this->argumentsType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->minArgumentCount = 1; $this->maxArgumentCount = 0; } } /** * Base class for GroupOptionInfo, SubcommandInfo and ProgramInfo */ class OptionContainerOptionInfo extends OptionInfo { /** * * @var OptionInfo Option to select if none was set */ public $defaultOption; /** * * @param unknown $variableName * @param number $flags * @param OptionInfo $dflt */ public function __construct($variableName = null, $flags = 0, OptionInfo $dflt = null) { parent::__construct($variableName, null, $flags); $this->options = array(); $this->defaultOption = $dflt; } /** * * @return array OptionInfo array */ function getOptions() { return $this->options; } /** * * @param OptionInfo $option */ public function appendOption(OptionInfo $option) { $this->options[] = $option; $option->parent = $this; } public function getOptionNameListString() { $names = array(); foreach ($this->options as $option) { if ($option instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $names[] = '(' . $option->getOptionNameListString() . ')'; } else { $names[] = $option->getOptionNames() ->getFirstOptionName(OptionName::LONG, false) ->cliName(); } } return Text::implode($names, ', ', ' or '); } public static function sortSwitchFirst($a, $b) { if ($a instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { if ($b instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { return self::sortRequiredOptionFirst($a, $b); } return -1; } return 1; } public static function sortRequiredOptionFirst($a, $b) { if ($a->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { if ($b->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { return 0; } return -1; } return 1; } protected function optionShortUsage($usage) { $text = ''; // switch with short names, then others $list = $this->flattenOptionTree(); usort($list, array( get_class(), 'sortRequiredOptionFirst' )); $groups = array( array(), array() ); foreach ($list as $k => $option) { $firtShort = $option->getOptionNames()->getFirstOptionName(OptionName::SHORT, true); if ($firtShort && ($option instanceof SwitchOptionInfo)) { $groups[0][] = $firtShort->name(); } else { $first = $option->getOptionNames()->getFirstOptionName(); if ($first) { $groups[1][] = array( 'option' => $option, 'name' => $first ); } } } if (count($groups[0])) { natsort($groups[0]); $text .= '-' . implode('', $groups[0]); } foreach ($groups[1] as $other) { $option = $other['option']; $name = $other['name']; $required = ($option->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED); $optionText = $name->cliName(); if ($option instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { $optionText .= '=<' . ArgumentType::usageName($option->argumentType) . '>'; } elseif ($option instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { $optionText .= '=<' . ArgumentType::usageName($option->argumentsType) . ' ...>'; } if (!$required && strlen($optionText)) { $optionText = '[' . $optionText . ']'; } $text .= ((strlen($text) && strlen($optionText)) ? ' ' : '') . $optionText; } return $text; } protected function optionUsage($usage, $level = 0) { $text = ''; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; foreach ($this->options as $o) { $optionTaxt = ''; $subOptionsText = ''; if (!($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo)) { $names = array(); foreach ($o->getOptionNames() as $k => $name) { $names[] = $name->cliName(); } $optionTaxt = implode(', ', $names); } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) && strlen($o->abstract)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? ': ' : '') . $o->abstract; } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) && strlen($o->details)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? $eol : '') . $o->details; } if (!($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo)) { foreach ($o->validators as $v) { $vtext = $v->usage($usage); if (strlen($vtext)) { $optionTaxt .= (strlen($optionTaxt) ? $eol : '') . $vtext; } } } if (strlen($optionTaxt)) { $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($optionTaxt, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $level) . $eol; } if ($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $subOptionsText = $o->optionUsage($usage, $level + 1); if (strlen($subOptionsText)) { $text .= $subOptionsText; } } } return $text; } protected function flattenOptionTree() { $list = array(); foreach ($this->options as $o) { if ($o instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { $list = array_merge($list, $o->flattenOptionTree()); } else { $list[] = $o; } } return $list; } protected $options; } /** * Option group */ class GroupOptionInfo extends OptionContainerOptionInfo { /** * Regular group type * * @var integer */ const TYPE_NORMAL = 0; /** * Mutually exclusive option group * * @var integer */ const TYPE_EXCLUSIVE = 1; /** * * @var integer */ public $groupType; public function __construct($variableName = null, $groupType = self::TYPE_NORMAL, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($variableName, $flags); $this->options = array(); $this->groupType = $groupType; } } /** * Non option argument value */ class PositionalArgumentInfo extends ItemInfo { /** * * @var integer */ public $positionalArgumentFlags; /** * * @var integer */ public $argumentType; /** * * @var integer */ public $maxArgumentCount; /** * * @var array of validators */ public $validators; public function __construct($max = 1, $type = ArgumentType::STRING, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct(); $this->positionalArgumentFlags = $flags; $this->argumentType = ArgumentType::STRING; $this->maxArgumentCount = $max; $this->validators = array(); } } /** * Base class for SubcommandInfo and ProgramInfo * * Contains options and positional argument definitions */ class RootItemInfo extends OptionContainerOptionInfo { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->positionalArguments = array(); } public function getPositionalArgument($index) { return $this->positionalArguments[$index]; } public function getPositionalArguments() { return $this->positionalArguments; } public function &appendPositionalArgument(PositionalArgumentInfo $paInfo) { $this->positionalArguments[] = $paInfo; return $paInfo; } public function positionalArgumentsUsage($usage, $level = 0) { $number = 1; $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $text = ''; foreach ($this->positionalArguments as $pa) { $s = '#' . $number . '.'; if ($pa->abstract) { $s .= ' ' . $pa->abstract; } foreach ($pa->validators as $v) { $vtext = $v->usage($usage); if (strlen($vtext)) { $s .= $eol . $vtext . $eol; } } $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($s, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $level) . $eol; $number++; } return $text; } /** * * @var array of PositionalArgumentInfo */ protected $positionalArguments; } /** * Subcommand definition */ class SubcommandInfo extends RootItemInfo { /** * * @var string */ public $name; /** * * @var array of string */ public $aliases; public function __construct($name, $aliases = array()) { parent::__construct(); $this->name = $name; $this->aliases = $aliases; } /** * * @return array of names (name + aliases) */ public function getNames() { $n = array( $this->name ); return array_merge($n, $this->aliases); } } /** * Program definition */ class ProgramInfo extends RootItemInfo { /** * * @var string Program name */ public $name; /** * * @var array of SubcommandInfo */ public $subcommands; public function __construct($name, $subcommands = array()) { parent::__construct(); $this->name = $name; $this->subcommands = $subcommands; } public function usage($usage = null, $subcommandName = null) { $text = 'Usage: ' . $this->name; $usage = ($usage) ? $usage : new UsageFormat(); $eol = $usage->textWrap->endOfLineString; $subcommand = (is_string($subcommandName) ? $this->findSubcommand($subcommandName) : null); $root = ($subcommand) ? $subcommand : $this; if ($subcommand) { $text .= ' ' . $subcommand->name; } elseif (count($this->subcommands)) { $text .= ' [subcommand]'; } $text .= ' ' . $root->optionShortUsage($usage); foreach ($root->getPositionalArguments() as $pa) { $abstract = $pa->abstract ? $pa->abstract : ''; $e = explode(PHP_EOL, $abstract); $abstract = $e[0]; if ($pa->maxArgumentCount > 1) { $abstract .= ' ...'; } $text .= ' [' . $abstract . ']'; } $text = $usage->textWrap->wrap($text, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, 0) . $eol; if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) == UsageFormat::ABSTRACT_TEXT) { if ($root->abstract) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap($root->abstract, 1) . $eol; } $optionsLevel = 1; $programOptionCount = count($this->options); $subcommandOptionCount = 0; if ($subcommand) { $subcommandOptionCount = count($subcommand->options); } if ($subcommand) { if ($subcommandOptionCount) { $optionsLevel = 2; $text .= $eol . $subcommand->optionUsage($usage, $optionsLevel) . $eol; if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Program options', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol; } } } elseif (count($this->subcommands)) { $optionsLevel = 2; $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Subcommands', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol . $eol; foreach ($this->subcommands as $subcommand) { $subcommandText = $subcommand->name; foreach ($subcommand->aliases as $alias) { $subcommandText .= ', ' . $alias; } if ($subcommand->abstract) { $subcommandText .= ': ' . $subcommand->abstract; } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) == UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) { if ($subcommand->details) { $subcommandText .= $eol . $subcommand->details; } } $text .= $usage->textWrap->wrap($subcommandText, TextWrap::OFFSET_OTHER, $optionsLevel) . $eol; } if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Program options', 0, $optionsLevel - 1) . $eol; } } if ($programOptionCount) { $text .= $eol . $this->optionUsage($usage, $optionsLevel); } if (count($root->getPositionalArguments())) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap('Positional arguments', 0, 1) . $eol . $eol; $text .= $root->positionalArgumentsUsage($usage, 2); } } if (($usage->format & UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) == UsageFormat::DETAILED_TEXT) { if ($root->details) { $text .= $eol . $usage->textWrap->wrap($root->details, 0, 1) . $eol; } } return $text . $eol; } public function &appendSubcommand(SubcommandInfo $sc) { $this->subcommands[] = $sc; return $sc; } public function findSubcommand($name) { foreach ($this->subcommands as $s) { if ($s->name == $name) { return $s; } foreach ($s->aliases as $a) { if ($a == $name) { return $s; } } } return null; } /** * * @param string $xmlProgramDefinition * @return boolean */ public function loadXmlDefinition($xmlProgramDefinition) { /** * * @todo * * * * * */ return true; } } /** * Base class for all *Result classes */ interface ItemResult { } /** * Option result */ abstract class OptionResult implements itemResult { /** * Indicates if the option is present on the command line. * The type of isSet member is * - integer for GroupOptionResult * - boolean for all others * * @var mixed */ public $isSet; public function __construct() { $this->isSet = false; } /** * Return the value of the option */ public function __invoke() { if (func_num_args() > 0) return call_user_func_array(array( $this, 'value' ), func_get_args()); return $this->value(); } // / Option-dependant result /** * * @return mixed */ abstract public function value(); } /** * Switch option result */ class SwitchOptionResult extends OptionResult { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Indicates if the option was set * * @return boolean */ public function value() { return $this->isSet; } } /** * Single argument option result */ class ArgumentOptionResult extends OptionResult { /** * * @var mixed Option argument value */ public $argument; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->argument = null; } /** * Return argument value * * @return string Argument vaiue if option is set. Otherwise, an empty string * @note __toString() is not equivalent to value() which will return null if the option is not set. */ public function __toString() { return $this->isSet ? $this->argument : ''; } /** * * @return mixed Option argument if set, otherwise null */ public function value() { return $this->isSet ? $this->argument : null; } } /** * Multi argument option result */ class MultiArgumentOptionResult extends OptionResult implements \Countable { /** * * @var array Option arguments */ public $arguments; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->arguments = array(); } public function count() { return $this->isSet ? count($this->arguments) : 0; } /** * * @para integer|array|null * @return mixed A single argument or array of arguments */ public function value() { $c = func_num_args(); if ($c == 1) { $a = func_get_arg(0); if (\is_array($a)) { return $this->multiArgumentValue($a); } } elseif ($c > 1) { return $this->multiArgumentValue(func_get_args()); } return $this->multiArgumentValue(null); } /** * * @param integer|array $subset * Argument index or array of argument indexes * @throws \BadMethodCallException * @return array|array|NULL|NULL[] */ private function multiArgumentValue($subset) { if (!$this->isSet) { return array(); } if (\is_null($subset)) { return $this->arguments; } elseif (is_integer($subset)) { if (\array_key_exists($subset, $this->arguments)) { return $this->arguments[$subset]; } return null; } elseif (\is_array($subset)) { $partial = array(); foreach ($subset as $k) { if (!\is_integer($k)) continue; $partial[$k] = array_key_exists($k, $this->arguments) ? $this->arguments[$k] : null; } return $partial; } else { $t = (is_object($subset) ? get_class($subset) : gettype($subset)); throw new \BadMethodCallException( __METHOD__ . ': Invalid argument type ' . $t . ', null, integer or array expected'); } } } /** * isSet represents the number of sub options represented on * the command line */ class GroupOptionResult extends OptionResult { /** * Reference to the OptionResult of the selectedOption * * @note For exclusive group option only * @var OptionResult */ public $selectedOption; /** * Variable name of the selected option * * @note For exclusive group option only * @var string */ public $selectedOptionName; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->selectedOption = null; $this->selectedOptionName = null; } /** * * @return string variable name of the selected option if set, otherwise an empty string. * If the option is not an exclusive option group, this value has no meaning * @note __toString() is not equivalent to value() which will return null if the option is not set. */ public function __toString() { return ($this->isSet) ? $this->selectedOptionName : ''; } /** * * @return string variable name of the selected option if set, otherwise null. * If the option is not an exclusive option group, this value has no meaning */ public function value() { return ($this->isSet) ? $this->selectedOptionName : null; } } /** * Parser message */ class Message { /** * Debug message */ const DEBUG = 0; /** * A warning is raised when something is ambiguous or ignored * by the parser */ const WARNING = 1; /** * An error is raised when a command line argument does not validate the program * interface definition rules. */ const ERROR = 2; /** * A fatal error is raised when a command line argument error leads to an unresumable * state. * Parsing stops immediately after a fatal error */ const FATALERROR = 3; /** * Message type */ public $type; /** * Message code * * @var integer */ public $code; /** * Message string */ public $message; public function __construct($type, $code, $message) { $this->type = $type; $this->code = $code; $this->message = $message; } public function __toString() { return $this->message; } const FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION = 'Unknown option %s'; /* 1 */ const ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE = 'Invalid value for option %s. %s'; /* 2 */ const ERROR_INVALID_POSARG_VALUE = 'Invalid value for positional argument %d. %s'; /* 3 */ const ERROR_MISSING_ARG = 'Missing argument for option %s'; /* 4 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_OPTION = 'Missing required option %s'; /* 5 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_GROUP = 'At least one of the following options have to be set: %s'; /* 6 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_XGROUP = 'One of the following options have to be set: %s'; /* 7 */ const ERROR_REQUIRED_POSARG = 'Required positional argument %d is missing'; /* 8 */ const ERROR_PROGRAM_POSARG = 'Program does not accept positional arguments'; /* 9 */ const ERROR_SUBCMD_POSARG = 'Subcommand %s does not accept positional arguments'; /* 10 */ const ERROR_TOOMANY_POSARG = 'Too many positional arguments'; /* 11 */ const ERROR_MISSING_MARG = 'At least %d argument(s) required for %s option, got %d'; /* 12 */ const ERROR_UNEXPECTED_OPTION = 'Unexpected option %s'; /* 13 */ const ERROR_SWITCH_ARG = 'Option %s does not allow an argument'; const WARNING_IGNORE_EOA = 'Ignore end-of-argument marker'; } /** * Base class for SubcommandResult and ProgramResult */ class RootItemResult implements ItemResult, \ArrayAccess { public function __construct() { $this->options = array(); } /** * * @param key $variableName * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return OptionResult if found */ public function __get($variableName) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return $this->options[$variableName]; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid option key \'' . $variableName . '\''); } /** * * @param string $variableName * @param OptionResult $result * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function __set($variableName, $result) { if ($this->offsetExists($variableName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } if (!(is_object($result) && ($result instanceof OptionResult))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } $this->options[$variableName] = $result; } /** * If an option bound variable name corresponding * to @param variableName, the value of the option is returned * * @param string $variableName * @param array $args */ public function __call($variableName, $args = array()) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return call_user_func_array(array( $this->options[$variableName], 'value' ), $args); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid option key \'' . $variableName . '\''); } /** * * @param string $variableName * @param OptionResult $result * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function offsetSet($variableName, $result) { if ($this->offsetExists($variableName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName . ' already exists'); } if (!(is_object($result) && ($result instanceof OptionResult))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($variableName); } $this->options[$variableName] = $result; } /** * N/A */ public function offsetUnset($variableName) {} /** * Indicate if an option exists with the given bound variable name * * @param string $variableName */ public function offsetExists($variableName) { return array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options); } /** * * @param key $variableName * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return OptionResult if found */ public function offsetGet($variableName) { if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->options)) { return $this->options[$variableName]; } return null; } /** * * @return \ArrayIterator */ public function getOptionIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->options); } /** * * @var array of OptionResult */ private $options; } class SubcommandResult extends RootItemResult { } /** * Command line parsing program result * * \Iterator interface allow use of foreach * to retrieve positional arguments */ class ProgramResult extends RootItemResult implements \Iterator { /** * * @var string Selected sub command name */ public $subcommandName; /** * * @var SubcommandResult Selected sub command result */ public $subcommand; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->messages = array(); $this->subcommandName = null; $this->subcommands = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->valueIterator = 0; } /** * Indicates if the command line argument parsing completes successfully (without any errors) * * @return boolean * @return boolean */ public function __invoke() { return self::success($this); } /** * Indicates if the command line argument parsing completes successfully (without any errors) * * @param ProgramResult $result * @return boolean */ public static function success(ProgramResult $result) { $errors = $result->getMessages(Message::ERROR, Message::FATALERROR); return (count($errors) == 0); } /** * * @return integer Number of positional argument set */ public function valueCount() { return count($this->values); } /** * Get parser result messages * * @param integer $minLevel * @param integer $maxLevel */ public function getMessages($minLevel = Message::WARNING, $maxLevel = Message::FATALERROR) { $messages = array(); foreach ($this->messages as $k => $m) { if ($m->type < $minLevel) { continue; } if ($m->type > $maxLevel) { continue; } $messages[] = $m; } return $messages; } /** * * @param integer $item * Positional argument index * @param mixed $result * Positional argument value */ public function offsetSet($item, $result) { if (is_integer($item)) { if (($item >= 0) && !array_key_exists($item, $this->values)) { $this->values[$item] = $result; } return; } return parent::offsetSet($item, $result); } /** * Search positional argument at @param $item index or * OptionResult with @param $item as bound variable name * * @param mixed $item * @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($item) { if (is_integer($item)) { return (($item >= 0) && array_key_exists($item, $this->values)); } return parent::offsetExists($item); } /** * Search positional argument at @param $item index or * OptionResult with @param $item as bound variable name * * @param mixed $item * @return ItemResult */ public function offsetGet($item) { if (is_integer($item)) { if (($item >= 0) && array_key_exists($item, $this->values)) { return $this->values[$item]; } return null; } return parent::offsetGet($item); } /** * Current positional argument index */ public function key() { return $this->valueIterator; } /** * Current positional argument value */ public function current() { return $this->valid() ? $this->values[$this->valueIterator] : null; } /** * Move to next positional argument */ public function next() { $this->valueIterator++; } /** * true if a positional argument is set at the given index */ public function valid() { return array_key_exists($this->valueIterator, $this->values); } /** * Rewind positional argument iterator */ public function rewind() { return $this->valueIterator = 0; } /** * Internal use */ public function setActiveSubcommand($name) { $this->subcommandName = $name; $this->subcommand = $this->subcommands[$name]; } /** * Internal use */ public function addSubcommandResult($name, SubcommandResult $result) { $this->subcommands[$name] = $result; return $result; } /** * Add a parser pessage. * * @note This method should anly be called by the Parser */ public function appendMessage() /** * $type, $code, $format , . * * * * .. */ { $args = func_get_args(); $type = array_shift($args); $code = intval(array_shift($args)); $this->messages[] = new Message($type, $code, call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args)); } /** * Add a positinal argument value * * @note This method should anly be called by the Parser */ public function appendValue($value) { $this->values[] = $value; } /** * * @var array of values */ private $values; /** * * @var array */ private $messages; /** * * @var integer */ private $valueIterator; /** * * @var array Program SubcommandResults */ private $subcommands; } /** * Internal ParserState structure. * * Bind an option name with the OptionInfo and OptionResult */ class OptionNameBinding { /** * * @var OptionName */ public $name; /** * * @var OptionInfo */ public $info; /** * * @var OptionResult */ public $result; /** * Array of the ancestors results from parent to first group * * @var array */ public $parentResults; public function __construct(OptionName $n, OptionInfo $i, $parentResults = array()) { $this->name = $n; $this->info = $i; $this->result = null; $this->parentResult = $parentResults; } } /** * Parsing state * * Internal structure of the Parser class */ class ParserState { const ENDOFOPTIONS = 0x1; const UNEXPECTEDOPTION = 0x2; const ABORT = 0x4; /** * * @var integer */ public $stateFlags; /** * * @var array */ public $argv; /** * * @var integer */ public $argIndex; /** * - First element: Program option name bindings * - Others: Subcommand option name bindings * * @var array */ public $optionNameBindings; public $optionGroupBindings; public $subcommandNameBindings; public $activeSubcommandIndex; /** * * @var unknown_type */ public $activeOption; public $activeOptionArguments; public $values; public function __construct(ProgramInfo $programInfo) { $this->optionNameBindings = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings = array(); $this->subcommandNameBindings = array(); $this->activeOption = null; $this->activeOptionArguments = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->anonymousOptionResults = array(); $this->optionNameBindings[0] = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings[0] = array(); $n = null; foreach ($programInfo->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($n, $o, 0); } $scIndex = 1; foreach ($programInfo->subcommands as $s) { $this->optionNameBindings[$scIndex] = array(); $this->optionGroupBindings[$scIndex] = array(); foreach ($s->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($n, $o, $scIndex); } $this->subcommandNameBindings[$s->name] = array( 'subcommandIndex' => $scIndex, 'subcommand' => $s ); $scIndex++; } } /** * Reset state and create a new ProgramResult * * @param ProgramInfo $programInfo * @param unknown_type $argv * @param unknown_type $startIndex */ public function prepareState(ProgramInfo $programInfo, $argv, $startIndex) { $this->stateFlags = 0; $this->argv = $argv; $this->argIndex = $startIndex; $this->activeOption = null; $this->activeOptionArguments = array(); $this->values = array(); $this->anonymousOptionResults = array(); $result = new ProgramResult(); foreach ($programInfo->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($result, $o, 0); } $scIndex = 1; foreach ($programInfo->subcommands as $s) { $scr = $result->addSubcommandResult($s->name, new SubcommandResult()); foreach ($s->getOptions() as $o) { $this->initializeStateData($scr, $o, $scIndex); } $scIndex++; } return $result; } private function createResult(RootItemResult $rootItemResult, OptionInfo $option) { $resultClassName = preg_replace(',(.+?)Info,', '\\1Result', get_class($option)); $result = new $resultClassName(); if (is_string($option->variableName) && strlen($option->variableName)) { $rootItemResult[$option->variableName] = $result; } else { $this->anonymousOptionResults[] = $result; } return $result; } private function initializeStateData($rootItemResult, $option, $groupIndex, $resultTree = array()) { $result = null; if ($rootItemResult) { $result = $this->createResult($rootItemResult, $option); } $names = $option->getOptionNames(); foreach ($names as $n) { if (!$rootItemResult) { $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()] = new OptionNameBinding($n, $option); } else // just (re)bind result { $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()]->result = $result; $this->optionNameBindings[$groupIndex][$n->name()]->parentResults = $resultTree; } } if ($option instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { // Add a dummy name $key = $option->getKey(); if (!$rootItemResult) { $n = new OptionName(''); $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key] = new OptionNameBinding($n, $option); } else // just (re)bind result { $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key]->result = $result; $this->optionGroupBindings[$groupIndex][$key]->parentResults = $resultTree; } foreach ($option->getOptions() as $suboption) { $parentResults = array(); if ($rootItemResult) { $parentResults = array_merge(array( $result ), $resultTree); } $this->initializeStateData($rootItemResult, $suboption, $groupIndex, $parentResults); } } } private $anonymousOptionResults; } /** * Command line parser */ class Parser { /** * * @param ProgramInfo $programInfo * Program interface definition */ public function __construct(ProgramInfo $programInfo) { $this->programInfo = $programInfo; $this->state = new ParserState($this->programInfo); } /** * Parse command line arguments * * @param array $argv * List of arguments * @param integer $startIndex * First argument to consider in $argv */ public function parse($argv = array(), $startIndex = 1) { $s = $this->state; $result = $s->prepareState($this->programInfo, $argv, $startIndex); $argc = count($argv); while ($s->argIndex < $argc) { $arg = $argv[$s->argIndex]; if ($s->activeOption) { if (!$this->activeOptionAcceptsArguments()) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS) { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } elseif ($arg == '--') { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS; $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } elseif ($arg == '-') { if ($s->activeOption) { if ($s->activeOption->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0) { $result->appendMessage(Message::WARNING, 2, Message::WARNING_IGNORE_EOA); $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } } elseif ($s->activeOption->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '\\-') { $arg = substr($arg, 1); if ($s->activeOption) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } } elseif ($s->activeOption && (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0)) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '--') { if ($s->activeOption) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } $matches = array(); $cliName = $arg; $name = substr($arg, 2); $tail = ''; $hasTail = (preg_match('/(.+?)=(.*)/', $name, $matches) == 1); if ($hasTail) { $name = $matches[1]; $cliName = '--' . $name; $tail = $matches[2]; } $s->activeOption = $this->findOptionByName($name); if ($s->activeOption) { if (!$this->optionExpected($s->activeOption)) { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } if ($hasTail) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $tail; } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::FATALERROR, 1, Message::FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION, $cliName); $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ABORT; break; } } elseif (substr($arg, 0, 1) == '-') { $arg = substr($arg, 1); while (strlen($arg) > 0) { if ($s->activeOption) { $this->unsetActiveOption($result); } $name = substr($arg, 0, 1); $cliName = '-' . $name; $arg = substr($arg, 1); $s->activeOption = $this->findOptionByName($name); if ($s->activeOption) { $ao = $s->activeOption; if (!$this->optionExpected($ao)) { $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } if (($ao->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) || ($ao->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo)) { if (strlen($arg) > 0) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; break; } } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::FATALERROR, 1, Message::FATALERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION, $cliName); $s->stateFlags |= ParserState::ABORT; break; } } } elseif ($s->activeOption) { $s->activeOptionArguments[] = $arg; } else { $this->processPositionalArgument($result, $arg); } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::ABORT) { break; } $s->argIndex++; } $this->unsetActiveOption($result); $changeCount = 0; do { $changeCount = $this->postProcessOptions($result); } while ($changeCount > 0); foreach ($s->optionGroupBindings as $g => $bindings) { if (($g > 0) && ($g != $s->activeSubcommandIndex)) { continue; } $binding = null; foreach ($bindings as $n => $binding) { if (!$binding->result->isSet && $this->optionRequired($binding)) { if ($binding->info->defaultOption instanceof OptionInfo) { $defaultOptionBinding = $this->findOption('info', $binding->info->defaultOption); if ($this->selectOption($result, $defaultOptionBinding)) continue; } $nameList = $binding->info->getOptionNameListString(); if ($binding->info->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 6, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_XGROUP, $nameList); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 5, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_GROUP, $nameList); } } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings as $g => $bindings) { if (($g > 0) && ($g != $s->activeSubcommandIndex)) { continue; } $binding = null; foreach ($bindings as $n => $b) { if ($binding && ($b->info == $binding->info)) { continue; } $binding = $b; if (!($binding->result->isSet) && $this->optionRequired($binding)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 4, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_OPTION, $binding->name->cliName()); } } } $this->postProcessPositionalArguments($result); return $result; } private function activeOptionAcceptsArguments() { $s = $this->state; $ao = $s->activeOption; $i = $ao->info; if ($i instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($i->maxArgumentCount > 0) { return ((count($s->activeOptionArguments) + count($ao->result->arguments)) < $ao->info->maxArgumentCount); } return true; } elseif ($i instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { return (count($s->activeOptionArguments) == 0); } return false; } private function unsetActiveOption(ProgramResult $result) { $markSet = false; $s = $this->state; $ao = $s->activeOption; if (!$ao) { return; } if ($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 12, Message::ERROR_UNEXPECTED_OPTION, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } if ($ao->info instanceof SwitchOptionInfo) { $markSet = true; if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { if ((count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 1) || (strlen($s->activeOptionArguments[0]) > 0)) { $markSet = false; $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 13, Message::ERROR_SWITCH_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } } elseif ($ao->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { $value = $s->activeOptionArguments[0]; if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $this->validateOptionArgument($result, $s->activeOption, $value)) { $markSet = true; $ao->result->argument = $value; } else { $ao->result->argument = null; } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 3, Message::ERROR_MISSING_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } elseif ($ao->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if (count($s->activeOptionArguments) > 0) { foreach ($s->activeOptionArguments as $i => $value) { if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $this->validateOptionArgument($result, $s->activeOption, $value)) { $markSet = true; $ao->result->arguments[] = $value; } else { /* * Temporary add a dummy arg */ $ao->result->arguments[] = null; } } } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 3, Message::ERROR_MISSING_ARG, $s->activeOption->name->cliName()); } } if (!($s->stateFlags & ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION) && $markSet) { $this->markOption($result, $ao, true); } $s->activeOptionArguments = array(); $s->activeOption = null; $s->stateFlags &= ~ParserState::UNEXPECTEDOPTION; } private function markOption(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding, $value) { $binding->result->isSet = $value; // Update option tree $previousResult = $binding->result; $childInfo = $binding->info; $parentInfo = $childInfo->parent; foreach ($binding->parentResults as $parentResult) { $parentResult->isSet += ($value) ? 1 : -1; if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if ($value) { $parentResult->selectedOption = $previousResult; $parentResult->selectedOptionName = $childInfo->variableName; } } assert(($parentResult->isSet >= 0)); // *This should not happen* if ($parentResult->isSet == 0) { $parentResult->selectedOption = null; $parentResult->selectedOptionName = null; } $childInfo = $childInfo->parent; $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } } private function validateOptionArgument(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding, $value) { $s = $this->state; $validates = true; foreach ($binding->info->validators as $validator) { $v = $validator->validate($this->state, $result, $binding, $value); $validates = ($validates && $v); } return $validates; } private function validatePositionalArgument(ProgramResult $result, PositionalArgumentInfo &$paInfo, $paNumber, $value) { $s = $this->state; $validates = true; foreach ($paInfo->validators as $validator) { $validates = ($validates && $validator->validate($this->state, $result, $paNumber, $value)); } return $validates; } private function processPositionalArgument(ProgramResult $result, $value) { if (!($this->state->stateFlags & ParserState::ENDOFOPTIONS) && ($this->state->activeSubcommandIndex == 0) && (count($this->state->values) == 0)) { foreach ($this->state->subcommandNameBindings as $name => $binding) { if ($name == $value) { $this->state->activeSubcommandIndex = $binding['subcommandIndex']; $result->setActiveSubcommand($name); return; } foreach ($binding['subcommand']->aliases as $alias) { if ($alias == $value) { $this->state->activeSubcommandIndex = $binding['subcommandIndex']; $result->setActiveSubcommand($name); return; } } } } $this->state->values[] = $value; } private function selectOption(ProgramResult $result, OptionNameBinding $binding) { if ($binding->info instanceof GroupOptionInfo) { if (!($binding->info->defaultOption instanceof OptionInfo)) return false; } elseif ($binding->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($binding->info->defaultValue === null) return false; $binding->result->argument = $binding->info->defaultValue; } elseif ($binding->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { if ($binding->info->minArgumentCount > 0) return false; $binding->result->arguments = array(); } $this->markOption($result, $binding, true); return true; } private function findOption($property, $value) { $s = $this->state; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex) { foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[$s->activeSubcommandIndex] as $n => $binding) { if ($binding->$property == $value) { return $binding; } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[0] as $n => $binding) { if ($binding->$property == $value) { return $binding; } } return null; } private function findOptionByName($name) { $s = $this->state; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex) { foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[$s->activeSubcommandIndex] as $n => $binding) { if ($name == $n) { return $binding; } } } foreach ($s->optionNameBindings[0] as $n => $binding) { if ($name == $n) { return $binding; } } return null; } /** * * @param OptionNameBinding $option * @return boolean */ private function optionExpected(OptionNameBinding $option) { $s = $this->state; $parentInfo = $option->info->parent; $previousResult = $option->result; foreach ($option->parentResults as $i => $parentResult) { if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if ($parentResult->isSet && ($parentResult->selectedOption != $previousResult)) { return false; } } $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } return true; } private function optionRequired(OptionNameBinding $binding) { if (!($binding->info->optionFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED)) { return false; } $previousResult = $binding->result; $parentInfo = $binding->info->parent; foreach ($binding->parentResults as $parentResult) { if ($parentInfo->groupType == GroupOptionInfo::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE) { if (!$parentResult->isSet || ($parentResult->selectedOption != $previousResult)) { return false; } } $parentInfo = $parentInfo->parent; $previousResult = $parentResult; } return true; } /** * * @param ProgramResult $result * @return integer Number of changes */ private function postProcessOptions(ProgramResult $result) { $s = $this->state; $current = null; $changeCount = 0; foreach ($s->optionNameBindings as $i => $group) { foreach ($group as $name => $binding) { if ($current && ($current->info == $binding->info)) { continue; } $current = $binding; if ($current->info instanceof ArgumentOptionInfo) { if (!$current->result->isSet) { if (($current->info->defaultValue !== null) && $this->optionExpected($current)) { $current->result->argument = $current->info->defaultValue; $this->markOption($result, $current, true); $changeCount++; } else { $current->result->argument = null; } } } elseif ($current->info instanceof MultiArgumentOptionInfo) { $c = count($current->result->arguments); if ($current->result->isSet && ($current->info->minArgumentCount > 0) && ($c < $current->info->minArgumentCount)) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 11, Message::ERROR_MISSING_MARG, $current->info->minArgumentCount, $current->name->cliName(), $c); $this->markOption($result, $current, false); $changeCount++; } if (!($current->result->isSet)) { $current->result->arguments = array(); } } } } return $changeCount; } private function postProcessPositionalArguments(ProgramResult $result) { $s = $this->state; $root = $this->programInfo; $validPositionalArgumentCount = 0; if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex > 0) { $root = $this->programInfo->subcommands[$s->activeSubcommandIndex - 1]; } $paInfoCount = count($root->getPositionalArguments()); if ($paInfoCount == 0 && (count($s->values) > 0)) { if ($s->activeSubcommandIndex > 0) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 9, Message::ERROR_SUBCMD_POSARG, $root->name); } else { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 8, Message::ERROR_PROGRAM_POSARG); } return $validPositionalArgumentCount; } $paInfoIndex = 0; $paNumber = 1; $currentPaiValueCount = 0; $processedValueCount = 0; $paInfo = null; foreach ($s->values as $value) { if ($paInfoIndex >= $paInfoCount) { break; } $currentPaiValueCount++; $processedValueCount++; $paInfo = $root->getPositionalArgument($paInfoIndex); if ($this->validatePositionalArgument($result, $paInfo, $paNumber, $value)) { $result->appendValue($value); $validPositionalArgumentCount++; } else { /** * * @todo continue or abort ? */ } if (($paInfo->maxArgumentCount > 0) && ($currentPaiValueCount == $paInfo->maxArgumentCount)) { $currentPaiValueCount = 0; $paInfoIndex++; } $paNumber++; } if (count($s->values) > $processedValueCount) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 10, Message::ERROR_TOOMANY_POSARG); } elseif ($paInfoIndex < $paInfoCount) { /** * * @note not yet supported by schema */ for ($i = $paInfoIndex; $i < $paInfoCount; $i++) { if ($root->getPositionalArgument($i)->positionalArgumentFlags & ItemInfo::REQUIRED) { $result->appendMessage(Message::ERROR, 7, Message::ERROR_REQUIRED_POSARG, $i); } } } } /** * * @var ProgramInfo */ private $programInfo; /** * * @var ParserState */ private $state; }


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